Library Selection of Materials

This page is intended to provide students, parents, and the Kimberly community with resources to understand the libraries methods of selecting, vetting, and removing materials from Kimberly School Libraries.


  • To view the district policy on Materials Selection, click here 
  • To view the library selection flow chart, click here
  • To view the descriptions for KSD library access levels, please see the definitions below
  • To view the library access form for students, please click here
  • To view the library referral form, click here
  • To view the library evaluation rubric, click here 

Library Access Levels

Full Access: Students under 18 who are designated this category by their legal guardians have access to all books that are in the library at the school they attend. This includes books designated as restricted. Restricted books have been vetted by the librarian, staff, the referral committee, or school board as containing mature themes, such as violence, language, or sexuality. For more details about the restricted list, please view the links above.

General Access: Students under 18 who are designated this category by their legal guardians have access to all books that are in the lbirary they attend, EXCEPT the restricted list. Students cannot check out materials on the Restricted list unless they have documented permission from a parent or guardian, or bring in a updated form designating they can change to FULL ACCESS.

No Access: Students with this designation have either not yet submitted a form for access to the library, do not attend classes that require access to the library, or are students under the age of 18 whose legal guardians have opted out their using the library for personal reasons. Students cannot check out ANY reading materials unless they have documented permission from a legal guardian or bring in a updated form designating they can change to a different access level.