October 21, 2021



OCTOBER 21, 2021


Executive Session 6:45 p.m.

(Follows board dinner at 6:30 p.m.)


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Curtis Giles moved, and Ryan Melvin seconded the motion to enter executive session at 6:45 p.m. as provided for in section IC 74-206(1) b to consider personnel matters. Mr. Nield asked for a roll call; Mr. Allen - yes, Mr. Giles – yes, Mr. Zachary – yes, and Mr. Melvin – yes. Mr. Allen moved to exit executive session at 7:18 p.m. and Curtis Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 5–0. 


Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.


The regular meeting was called to order by Mr. Nield at 7:19 p.m. Present were trustees Mr. Giles, Mr. Allen, Mr.

Melvin and Mr. Kelsey. Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent; Ms. Searby, District Clerk; Mrs. Wirtz, Business Manager; and Mr. Schvaneveldt, Program Director were also in attendance, as well as administrators and patrons tuned in via Zoom. 


AGENDA: Chad Allen moved to approve the agenda as posted, with the mention of the scheduled times for the following: Bond and Levy Overview (7:30 p.m.); Olsenside Easement Request (8:00 p.m.); FY21 Audit (8:30p.m.). Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


FLAG SALUTE:  Everyone stood and participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.





KHS MUSICAL THEATRE PRESENTATION: Mr. Belliston spoke about the upcoming musical and asked for the board to tentatively approve the script (Drowsy Chaperone) as some of the content is for a mature audience. He did state that they would make slight adjustments to make age appropriate. The board asked for Mr. Belliston to bring said script back once changes are made for final approval. 








FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Wirtz presented the monthly financial report to the board by stating that there is currently good cash flow, and the interest rates are extremely low in our bond fund. Chad Allen moved to approve the financial report. Curtis Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 



1. KIMBERLY SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTIVITIES ADVISORY: Zachary Kelsey moved to table this item and schedule a special meeting to be held on November 4, 2021, at 7PM. Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 5-0.



CONSENT AGENDA: Zachary Kelsey moved to approve the consent agenda as posted. Curtis Giles moved to second. The motion carried 5-0.


  1. Approve District Invoices   
  2. Approve School Invoices  
  3. Approve Food Service Expenditures  
  4. Approve Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2021; October 13, 2021 
  5. FY22 Fundraiser Calendar 
  6. KHS Student Handbook Updates 
  7. MOU/Contracts: SRO W/City of Kimberly; RISE Charter School; Primary Therapy Source; Early Childhood/Head Start & Migrant Head Start; Jerome School District  
  8. FFA Travel Request to National Convention and student financial support; KHS Musical Theatre travel request to California in Spring of 2022.  
  9. Surplus Items – End of Life Access Points (30); KMS Pianos; KHS Library Nat Geo Collection.   



APPROVE ADDITIONAL INVOICES: Ryan Melvin moved to approve the additional invoices as presented. Curtis Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


FEDERAL PROGRAM PARENT ENGAGEMENT POLICY: Curtis Giles moved to approve the Federal Program Parent Engagement Policy, as presented by Mr. Schvaneveldt, Program Director. Chad Allen seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


BOND AND LEVY OVERVIEW: Eric Heringer presented via Zoom an overview of the Bond and Levy information to the board. Curtis Giles moved to approve the recommendations from this review and Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


COPPERHILLS EASEMENT REQUEST ON OLSENSIDE PROPERTY: Tabled until more information is received. 


ISBA 2022 RESOLTIONS: Mr. Schroeder provided a brief explanation to the board regarding the resolutions that are being recommended. Ryan Melvin moved to elect Myron Nield to represent the Kimberly School Board regarding these items. Zachary Kelsey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


1st READING TO REVISE POLICY 5221 WORKDAY: Zachary Kelsey moved to table this revision until the November 16, 2021, board meeting. Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.


1st READING TO REVISE POLICY 5321(R) LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Zachary Kelsey moved to table this revision until the November 16, 2021, board meeting. Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 




  1. Good Stories to Share 
  2. Fall Sports Results 
  3. ISBA Convention Virtual Option 
  4. KSF Annual Fundraiser - The annual fundraiser netted roughly 13K to be distributed to scholarship applicants.



PERSONNEL REPORT: Curtis Giles moved to approve the personnel report as presented. Chad Allen seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.



Kellie Passalaqua

Food Service Substitute 

Nathaniel Bybee

SES Head Custodian   

Aaron Johnson  

KHS Coach  

Tyrone Hess         

KHS Coach  



Heather Pesola  

SES Teacher 

Rachael Gibson  

KHS College and Career Advisor 

Ashley Cloyd        

KHS Teacher  

Aaron Johnson  

KHS Coach 

Haley Gough       


Megan Koehn  




ADJOURNMENT: Curtis Giles moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 




______________________________________            _______________________________ Myron Nield, Chairperson                                              Cassandra Searby, District Clerk