4th Grade Supplies

4th Grade


*Required* - per individual student
48 pencils, more as needed
5   white board markers, more as needed
1   bottle of white school glue 

4   glue sticks
1  12 count colored pencils
1   24 count crayons 
1  10 count markers 
1   large pink eraser 
1   pair of pointed scissors
1   old clean sock for erasing white board 
1   ruler (inches and centimeters)
1   watercolor paint set, 12 colors
2   spiral bound notebooks (college ruled) 
2   composition notebook 
1   plastic pencil box (5x8)
2   2-pocket folders 

1   1”- three ring binder (Mrs. Harmon’s class only)

1  2”- three ring binder (Mrs. Adamson’s class only)


*Optional* appreciated donations used in the classroom  
1 clear protractor

Hand sanitizer 
Disinfectant wipes 
Facial Tissues
College ruled notebook paper