Kindergarten Supplies



Full Day Kindergarten Supplies    *Required* per individual student

2 (24 count) box crayons

1 (10 count) washable markers

4 Dry Erase Markers for individual white board use

1 pair of scissors

12 glue sticks

12 sharpened #2 pencils 

1 plastic 5x8 pencil box (label with name)
1 plastic 2-pocket folder 

1 backpack 

1 PRIMARY composition notebook with space for a picture: This link is for a writing journal specific to Kindergarten & 1st grade curriculum use at KES. You may purchase from your own source, or they will be available for purchase from the classroom or office for $3.00.


*Optional* appreciated donations used in the classroom
Hand sanitizer 
Disinfectant wipes 
Facial Tissues

Gallon reclosable bags