July 21, 2022



Board Dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Regular Session at 7:00 p.m.


The regular session was called to order by Mr. Allen at 7:00 p.m. In addition to Mr. Allen, present were trustees Mr. Giles and Mr. Ward. Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent; Ms. Searby, District Clerk; and Mr. Schvaneveldt, Program Director were also in attendance, as well as administrators and patrons on Zoom.

AGENDA: Mr. Giles moved to approve the amended agenda as posted to include the board dinner and fundraiser calendar. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

FLAG SALUTE: Everyone stood and participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.


CURRICULUM: Matt Schvaneveldt, Program Director, presented his report on testing, curriculum and PD. Presentation highlights included: KHS receiving a 92.5% grad rate, the state average was 82.1%; 87% of KMS students received grades of C’s of higher; KHS was top 25 in SAT scores.

SRO REPORT: Officer Alex Arrington was in attendance to provide his first report to the board as the district SRO. He started off by stating that it has been a great first year. In addition to participating multiple sport send offs, school games, dances and parades, Office Arrington attended the NASRO Basic SRO class in January of 2022, as well as NASRO advanced SRO class in June 2022. Both of which were very educational and helped with his understanding of school districts. Total cases in the 2021-2022 school year were 44 which in his opinion, is a small amount. These statistics include off campus incident during school hours or right before/after school.

KYA REPORT: Cassandra Searby, KYA President, presented a year in review report on behalf of the Kimberly Youth Association Board, this report included highlights from the past year and registration numbers. She completed her report by thanking the Kimberly School Board for their continue support and allowing shared use of facilities.

HEARING OF VISITORS: Glenneda Zuiderveld


FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Wirtz, business manager, reported on the June financial report via Zoom. Bond fund continues to look healthy and currently sitting at 1.9 million. Mrs. Wirtz presented the year-to-year comparison as the board had requested at the June meeting. She will continue to have this available at future meetings as the board found this helpful.

Mr. Giles moved to approve the financial report, Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


2ND READING REVISIONS TO POLICY 2410 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Due to change in state requirements, Mr. Giles moved to approve the reading revisions to Policy 2410 – Graduation Requirements. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

RETIRE CURRENT POLICIES 8200 WELLNESS PROGRAM, 8210 DISTRICT NUTRITION COMMITTEE, 8220 FOOD SERVICES, 8240 SCHOOL MEALS, and 8241 SCHOOL MEALS-STUDENT CHARGING: Mr. Giles moved to approve the retirement of the above policies due to current policies being redundant and outdates. Mr.  Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

2ND READING ADOPTION OF POLICY 8200 WELLNESS PROGRAM: Mr. Giles moved to approve the reading adoption of Policy 8200 – Wellness Program. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

2nd READING ADOPTION OF POLICY 8220 FOOD SERVICES: Mr. Ward moved to approve the reading adoption of Policy 8220 – Food Services. Mr. Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

1st READING OF 3280 - GENDER IDENTITY AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION POLICY: Reading of policy was tabled due to absence of two board members. The three members who were in attendance agreed that all should be present prior to a motion being made. Mr. Giles moved to table until the August 18, 2022, regular meeting and Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Giles moved to approve the consent agenda as posted; Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

  1. Approve District Invoices 
  2. Approve School Invoices
  3. Approve Food Service Expenditures
  4. Approve Meeting Minutes for June 15/16, 2022
  5. FY22 Fundraiser Calendar
  6. MOU/Contracts/Grants: SRO w/ City of Kimberly; NFHS
  7. Approve KHS Fall Sports Schedules
  8. Approve KMS Fall Sports Schedules
  9. Fees/Supply List/Student Handbook for all schools
  10. Surplus Items – Pallets


APPROVE ADDITIONAL INVOICES: Mr. Giles moved to approve the additional invoices for the FY22 and FY23 fiscal years as presented at that meeting. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


BUDGET HEARING SCHOOL MEAL FEE INCREASE: The USDA will no longer be providing free meals for all students for the 22-23 school year. Child Nutrition Supervisor, Carla Hogue, consulted with the state department for the proposed meal prices. Mr. Giles moved to approve the fee increase as presented. Mr. Ward seconded the motion the motion carried 3-0.

FY23 BOARD MEETING DATES: Mr. Giles moves to approve the FY23 board meeting dates as presented. Board meetings will continue to be held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise posted. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

ISBA RESOLUTION CLASSIFIED SALARIES: Mr. Giles moved to approve Kimberly School Districts involvement with sponsoring the ISBA Resolution regarding Classified Salaries at the November ISBA convention. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

ACTIVITIES ADVISORY MAIN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO APPOINT DARIN GONZALES: Mr. Ward moved to approve the activities advisory main committee’s recommendation to appoint Mr. Darin Gonzales to replace Mr. Justin White. Mr. Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

1st READING REVISIONS TO 2320 FIELDS TRIPS: Mr. Giles moved to table the 1st reading revision of policy 2320 – Field Trips. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

1st READING REVISIONS TO 3570P MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL STUDENT RECORDS: Mr. Giles moved to table the 1st reading revision of policy 3570P – Maintenance of School Student Records. Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


  1. Good Stories to Share: Good Neighbor Days; Kimberly’s good reputation around the state.
  2. Special Hearing August 2nd at 12:00 p.m.
  3. Board Training August 8th at 5:30 p.m.
  4. School Board/Administration Retreat September 17th
  5. ISBA Convention November 9-11 in Couer d’Alene – Please let Cassandra know if you are planning on attending.

PERSONNEL REPORT: Mr. Giles moved to approve the personnel report as presented; Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


  • Matthew Valenta             Maintenance
  • Nicole Rogers                    Elementary Teacher
  • Tom Myers                         High School Teacher / Varsity Baseball Coach
  • Gwen Stukenholtz           KES Office Support
  • Amber Henderson           SES Office Support
  • Carmen West                     KES Teacher
  • Jon Cook                              Varsity Softball Coach


  • Thomas Randall                 Custodian
  • Irma Leonard                     Paraprofessional
  • Jason Flint                           Paraprofessional

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Giles once moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.; Mr. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.