August 6, 2020



August 6, 2020

7:00 PM


Special Meeting Minutes

Audio available


The meeting was called to order Ryan Melvin at 7:10 p.m. Present were trustees Mr. Giles, Mr. Allen, Mr. Higdem and Mr. Nield. This meeting was conducted via ZOOM. 


AGENDA: Chad Allen moved to approve the special meeting agenda as submitted. Mr. Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.



REPORTS: Dr. Steven Kohtz spoke on his experience in regards to COVID and data that he has collected. 


*KSD increased zoom capacity from 100 to 500 at 19 minutes into the meeting due to large attendance numbers. 



  • Darin Gonzales – Spoke on the topic of masks on behalf of KEA. Members we poled days prior and the majority (60%) were in favor of masks. 
  • Dr. Michael Whitehead – Shared information from the American Academy of Pediatrics/American Psych Association and other organizations that deal with mental health in adolescents. He is a proponent for in person school as much as possible. 
  • Greg Edgar – Concerned about social distancing becoming a common place word – Youth need social interaction for mental health. 


FY21 STUDENT SUPPLIES AND FEES: Mr. Schroeder explained that this is normally put before the board in May or June, postponed due to COVID. Supply and Fees list are the same as past years. Curtis Giles motioned to approve the FY21 student supplies and fees lists. Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


KSD FY21 LEARNING PLAN: Mr. Schroeder reiterated that the main focus for this plan is to have students back in school, full time, and safely. He then addressed a few revisions made since the last time this plan was presented to the board. Mr. Schroeder also recommended putting together a COVID assessment team to meet weekly to determine the color stage for days 7-14; this would provide consistency for staff and families. Megan Garner, KES Principal; Steve Hill, SES Principal; Matt

Schvaneveldt, KMS Principal; Justin White, KHS Principal; and Marygrace Ahern, SPED Director; all took time to explain the different color stages and what the first few weeks would look like for their students. The board spent a lengthy amount of time discussing the mask mandate and their feelings on the subject.  Dane Higdem moved to approve mandating facial coverings for the start of the FY21 school year. Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 3-2. Ryan Melvin then moved to approve the additions and changes as written in the learning plan/discussed this evening and listed on the district website/linked in this agenda. Dane Higdem seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


*Ryan Melvin motioned to set our current color stage as yellow, and to be readdressed weekly as stated in the plan by the COVID assessment team. Dane Higdem seconded. The motion carried 4-1. This motion was made at 11:10 p.m.  



Director, went over the protocols that her drivers will adhere to, as well as the ones in place for students.

Detailed route info will be available at the next board meeting after registration numbers come in. Ryan Melvin moved to approve the transportation procedure and protocols, Dane Higdem seconded. The motion carried 5-0.

To help with social distancing, Darla recommended a change to bus routes and the following safety cut off zone rates: high school/middle school = 50; Kimberly Elementary = 60; Stricker Elementary = 40. Chad Allen moved to accept the bus routes and cut off rates, Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 5-0.



ACTIVITIES PROCEDURE AND PROTOCOL FOR COVID: Kirby Bright, Athletic Director, explained the procedures and protocols that they will have in place for the upcoming sports season for green, yellow and red. Masks will be highly recommended for spectators, and required for student sections. Social distancing will be highly encouraged in all arenas. Ryan Melvin motioned to approve the activities procedure and protocol for COVID as stated. Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


POLICY 3135 RESIDENT STUDENTS: Mr. Schroeder explained the need to add verbiage from “initial” to “periodically” to the 3135F2 verification form to frequently verify nonresident students. Curtis Giles motioned to accept the new wording as presented. Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


PERSONNEL REPORT: Curtis Giles motioned to approve the personnel report as listed below. Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0.

• Resignation/Retirements/Terminations/Leave o Linda Lee – Custodian

  • Maryann Thomas – Paraprofessional o Ruben Trujillo – Transportation  o Jennifer Thompson – Paraprofessional  o Josefa Martinez – Custodial 
  • Jennifer Hartgrave – Paraprofessional


ADJOURNMENT: Curtis Giles moved to adjourn at 11:12 p.m. Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.





______________________________________ _______________________________ Mr. Myron Nield, Chairman                      Cassandra Searby, District Clerk