February 4, 2021




February 4, 2021 7:00 p.m.



Special Meeting Minutes

Meeting Audio Available Upon Request 


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Nield at 7:04 p.m. Present were trustees Mr. Giles, Mr. Kelsey, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Melvin at the district office. Also, in attendance: Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent, Ms. Searby, District Clerk and Mr. Phinney, Special Programs Coordinator. Visitors were present in the overflow room. Administrators were present via zoom and a handful were present in person in preparation to present. 


AGENDA: Mr. Allen moved to approve the special meeting agenda; Mr. Kelsey seconded the motion.  The motion carried 5-0.





  • Megan Garner – 5th graders have had a stronger 1st quarter and have struggled 2nd quarter. Opposite for 4th grade. She brought to light the new skills that students have learned gathered from grade level teams. Technology, email, managing passwords, responsible for their own learning. Communication with parents regarding curriculum has become more frequent. Natalie Moerer reported on primary age group. No new concepts taught on Fridays, just review. Falling behind in Math. Devices have pros and cons with that age, using them inappropriately is the negative. Her biggest pressure is teaching 5 days of content over 4 days, often working weekends to grade assignments coming in past Friday. 


  • Justin White - There was no control over Spring 2020, overall Fs went up 123%. He defined success by mentioning the 93% passing rate, high for what we have been tackling and if compared to other surrounding school districts. He also spent time and wants to focus on that students are in school, in person and are returning back to normal standard. Darin Gonzales joined in to provide his opinion of how things have been going. He said, change is hard for everyone. Students not being held accountable, wide range of issues, home issues, parents at work, lots of stress. Getting back to where we were is going to take some time for all. What we have done so far has been a miracle, all are giving their best effort. Still going to school during a pandemic. Pacing in Math at high school, one class is ahead, two are same as last year. Grades were very good the 1st semester. He said he was more prepared for this year; he is a better teacher this year after 27 years in the classroom. What has changed this year for him? Planning time on Friday has allowed to prepare for the next week and accelerate in his field to give the students more. Reaching a level, he’s never reached before. Justin White - Students were in trauma, really took students time to reacclimate when returned to school and socialize. There has been success’ this year, just not the normal ones that we are used to. The credit/pass rate has been good. Changes in class load and class set up as well in the last few years. More students now doing IDLA and extra college credit classes. Goal is the 98%. 


*Technical issues 


  • Steve Hill – Not much change from first to second grade math. Data has been consistent throughout the subjects. Heather Reed joined in to echo Natalie Moerer sentiments about fitting 5 days into 4 days of instruction, it leaves no time for bigger projects. Remote learning day hurts the at-risk students as they need the most help. She felt 5th grade teachers were more lenient 1st quarter with grading and gradually have become more stringent as the year progresses. 


  • Tori Larsen – Reported on Stricker and Kimberly Elementary Students in their cohorts. One example she spoke on was 5th grade being at 70% as of January 2021, in comparison to 74% in January of 2020. See Data and Cohorts for detailed information. Istation tests, students are able to see what their level is in September and practice time pushes them each time. Every September, there is going to be some academic loss from the Summer. 


  • Matt Schvaneveldt – 6th grade (150 students) 34 currently have an F. These numbers are similar in 7th and 8th grade. With 7th graders, in a different building this year, he is noticing that there is no community feel and the connection has been fractured. Q1 vs. Q2 – What is happening between the two? There is a trend up in most subject areas. Students are not turning in the work, but it seems that they are understanding the content. Heidi Child, 6th grade teacher joined and stated she has 20-30 students every Friday who do not attempt to do assignments. Speaking for herself, she is behind in pacing. Hard to fit in content in 4 days instead of 5 days. A lot of review instead of introducing new content. 


  • Sara Crystal reported on Star Data – This data gives us insight on how our students are doing compared to students across the country. Reading skills, slightly different than the IRI an currently lower than we want to be. High school growth has stayed the same. Middle school data, more below the 50% than we want or have seen in the past. Average growth for the district is right on track. Kimberly Elementary produced more atypical results with more noticeable growth rates. Stricker Elementary produced a 1.7% rate which is well above what was expected.




recap from the reentry groups first meeting this week; Group consists of all principals, one board member, a teacher from each building, and two parents. The group would like to implement immediate recommendations to show our students and teachers that we are working on getting back to a new normal. A few of those recommendations include (Beginning February 19th), all instructional staff will be in school buildings while students are in attendance, 7:45-Noon. Reinstate student/school activities following same guidelines as the current guidelines for athletic events, including, but not limited to, Band/Choir Concerts, Musical Productions, Prom, Graduation, Banquets, Field Days, Student Council Activities, KMS Socials, Pep Assemblies, Hobby day, Field trips, and return of parent volunteer to buildings. See agenda attachment for full document and list. Committee will meet once a week. Next update will be presented at the February 18, 2021, regularly scheduled board meeting. Curtis Giles moved to accept the recommendations as presented, Zach Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


*Technical issues 


KSD COLOR STAGE: Mr. Schroeder reported the weekly data as both nurses had other obligations this evening. Zero positive cases for the last week, district wide. Chad Allen pointed out that the low points in October, have been our high points in January. All board members agreed that there seems to be a downward trend, with a few minor blips. Curtis Giles moved; Chad Allen seconded to stay in green district wide. Motion carried 5-0.


ATHLETIC PLAN FOR STAGE 2: Retroactively approve the governors orders for athletics. Forty percent of school’s gym capacity, which equates to 941 spectators, will be allowed at high school games. Curtis Giles moved to approve the athletic plan for Stage 3, Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 5-0.




ADJOURNMENT: Ryan Melvin moved to adjourn the open meeting at 9:47 PM., Curtis Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.




______________________________________ _______________________________

Myron Nield, Board Chairperson                                    Cassandra Searby, District Clerk