March 17, 2021
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Nield at 7:02 p.m. Present were trustees Mr. Giles, and Mr. Kelsey. Also in attendance were Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent; Ms. Searby, District Clerk; and Arron Phinney, Special Programs. Administrators were in attendance via Zoom, as well as a few employees who reported on their departments. Justin White, KHS Principal; Roxi Mumm, Food Service Director; Marygrace Ahern, SPED Director; Kami Michelli, Title I Teacher; Alexandra Bates, School Psychologist.
Curtis Giles moved to enter regular session; Zachary Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 3-0.
Curtis Giles moved to approve the agenda as posted, Zachary Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 3-0.
FLAG SALUTE: Everyone stood and participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Food Service (Roxi Mumm) - Presentation – Feeding all community children 1-18 years of age Breakfast and lunch for the past year. Drive up/walk up meals, delivering meals in
Kimberly, just to make sure all were fed. Continued this for free throughout the Summer. Took a break in August to give the food service department a break. When school resumed for the FY21 School Year, Sept. 3rd brought universal free meals across the nation, including Kimberly. Food Service has continued to provide meals outside of the cafeteria, by sending them home on buses for the Kindergarten students, as well as the drive thru option. 550 lunches a day. Breakfast numbers are up from the 2020 school year. Extremely proud of the food service department and everything they did throughout the closure and each day since.
- KHS (Justin White) - Mr. White reported on High School happenings. Accreditation highlights, done every 6 years, KHS passed. KHS has consistently performed well above the state average; students have access to a wide range of dual credit opportunities; students have a variety of options for CTE course; building level policies/procedures; High community support; High teacher retention. Staff and students have expressed that advisory is an area of need, building leadership has plans to improve this area in 2021-22 school year. Mr. White finished with, KHS is a high-quality learning environment that prepares students to be college and career ready. First dance this past weekend, it was met with mixed emotions from students, it’s going to take some time to transition out from the last year.
- HOPE Squad and Aware Grant Presentation (MaryGrace Ahern, Kami Michelli and
Alexandra Bates) – Mrs. Ahern, addressed the board – Applied for two grants and received both. First was community health improvement fund through St. Lukes, HOPE Squad. Project AWARE purpose is to build or expand the capacity of state educational agencies, in partnership with State Mental Health Agencies overseeing school aged youth; recognize mental health needs and provide training for school personnel. Community fair will be on Saturday, May 8th, complete with band, food, fire department, clubs, sports, local business’, etc. This will take place at the Elementary school. Only three school districts have received this grant in Idaho.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Received the big state payment of 1.7 million. Legislature did make the decision to keep the discretionary – Will be losing out on that. Still need to open up negotiations and discuss new salary schedule for this year. Hoping to have a spring budget in April to present and approve. Healthy balance in the bond and interest in this account.
Curtis Giles moved to approve the financial report, Zachary Kelsey seconded, the motion carried 3-0.
CONSENT AGENDA: Curtis Giles moved to approve the consent agenda; Zachary Kelsey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
- Approve District Invoices
- Approve School Invoices KHS Transaction / Acct. Listing
- Approve Food Service Expenditures
- Approve Meeting Minutes for February 18, 2021, March 4, 2021, March 15, 2021
- FY21 Fundraiser Calendar
- Surplus Items – None
- APPROVE ADDITIONAL INVOICES: Zachary Kelsey moved; Curtis Giles seconded to approve the additional invoices. The motion carried 3-0.
Postponed to a later date, most likely late Summer, early Fall.
Stricker have been wanting to transition to SBRC for some time now. Megan walked the board through what this would look like, starting with a comparison between the current traditional grading system vs. wished for standards-based system. Work habits and behaviors will be able to be measured separately, which allows those conversations to be had separately and specifically. Steps to make this switch – Identify/create reporting format for standards; Identify/develop rubrics that will be used to identify proficiency; Identify common grade level measures that can be used to demonstrate student progress and proficiency. Big project, but all teachers are ready and willing to put in the work. Decision will be postponed until April meeting.
- APPROVE RISE CHARTER SCHOOL LEASE AND MOU: Automatically renewed from year to year July. See document. MOU – Unique arrangement, RISE students are Kimberly’s students, they support the same levies and taxes, they are “our” students. Share the same transportation, food service. KSD will pass on the direct cost, not additional, or take advantage. Curtis Giles approved the RISE Charter School Lease and MOU. Zachary Kelsey seconded the motion, the motion carried 3-0.
- 1ST READING TO REVISE POLICY 3085 AND 3085P TITLE IX: New regulations for
TITLE IX. Michelle Schutt has taken on the role of TITLE IX coordinator since Keelie Campbell resigned. 3085P changes were made to align processes with what we are doing procedurally. Minimal changes made. Curtis Giles moved to approve the minimal changes; Zachary Kelsey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
- 1ST READING TO REVISE POLICY 2320 FIELD TRIPS : Updated this policy to match the language in Policy 8105 to keep consistency. Curtis Giles moved; Zachary Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 3-0.
TRANSPORTATION: Board agreed decisions need to be approved by building admin. Zachary Kelsey moved to approve the revision to Policy 8105, Curtis Giles seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
- Good Stories to Share: Boys State Basketball – Battled Fruitland in double overtime. Received letter from IHSA – Sportsmanship award. Kimberly Way – The support and care for people goes above and beyond.
- Rise Charter School Mascot: Bulldogs – Same colors
- FY21 and FY22 Budgets – Looking like we will know the FY22 budget before FY21. Looking forward to getting this year wrapped up.
- Negotiations – Two different negotiations in the next month.
- Budget Revise - Budget revise is normally in November and March, hoping to be able to present in April.
- May 8th Community Fair
PERSONNEL REPORT: Zachary Kelsey moved to approve the personnel report, Curtis Giles seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
- Stacey Wuyts Paraprofessional
- Thomas Randall Custodian
- Juan Trevino Custodian
- Jennifer Torgesen Speech/Debate Coach
- Julie Underwood High School Teacher
- Karissa Dodds Elementary Teacher
- Roberta Beck Elementary Teacher
ADJOURNMENT: Curtis Giles moved to exit the meeting at 8:44 PM, Zachary Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 3-0.
____________________________________ _______________________________
Mr. Myron Nield, Chairman Cassandra Searby, Clerk