The end of the Second Quarter will be January 10th! But due to the Ski Trip, all work MUST be turned in by January 9th!
6th Grade Ski Day is going to be January 10th, if students come to school, they will be getting on the bus to go!
We will leave shortly after school begins and arrive at KMS around 4:30 pm. It's also the last day of the quarter so work needs to be done by January 9th! They need to wear snow boots, hats, gloves, snow pants, we don't want cold kids! Permission slips will be going home soon!
Mrs. Keller will be holding an open gym from 10am-12pm several days over break, M/T/Th the first week, and M/T/Th/F the second week. This is for all grades to come hang out together!
We will be finishing A Long Walk to Water this week and working on our essay outlines. We will also conclude our evidence-based writing unit by completing a conclusion-paragraph practice. On Friday, B-Day students will complete an ISAT Practice Test. Don't forget to bring your charged computers! Lastly, your AR goals are due by January 9. All 6th grade students will be attending the ski day on January 10th. I have an AR Goal Check this week and my class will be hosting a reading party for PAWS on Thursday. Students can bring a blanket, a snack, and a book if you'd like that designated reading time.
This week we are completing a Winter Wonderland project to review some of the things we have been learning. We will also make sure everyone is registered for Delta Math. After the break, the Delta Math assignments will be part of the math grade.
This week in PACK the students are presenting their persuasion "Best Gift Ever" presentations. There are some hilarious presentations, so definitely ask your student about their work. Enjoy your two weeks off and we will see you in the new year.
If you have any questions about Pre-Algebra, please email Mr. Linn below!
In Science, we are catching up on missing work and watching the movie Treasure Planet. On Thursday and Friday, we will be playing with a website called and practicing coding lessons.
We will be presenting our Geography Term Project PowerPoints to the class! Make sure they are all done and ready to go! This is what we will be working on until we go on break. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello, we have a fun week in STEM. Monday students will take their Semester 1 Exam. I will be gone on Tuesday and Wednesday; students will be watching "Meet the Robinson's" and identifying simple machines with the substitute. We will finish off the week with a STEM Challenge. Wishing you all a joyful Christmas Season and blessings for 2025!