Quarter #4 starts this week. The last Quarter. Let’s finish this one strong! Spring Break will be next week from March 24th – March 28th. Enjoy the time off!
Welcome to 4th quarter! We will be finalizing our argumentative essays this week, with the final draft due on Friday, March 21st. We will spend the majority of class working on typing, peer reviewing, and revising those essays. Several helpful resources have been uploaded to Canvas. If your child is absent or needs to work on their essay from home, I have created a "FAQ-Argumentative Essay" which is available under March 17-21. We will also read from The Lightning Thief. If your student is absent, please have them email me to see what chapter(s) were missed.
This week we'll review and then take a test over what we have learned so far in Chapter 7. There are assignments in Delta Math that need to be done. If students don't finish them in class, they will need to do them for homework.
This week in PACK we will be doing our Best Spring Break presentation. We will also be discussing how to stay focused the week before break. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
If you have any questions about Pre-Algebra, please email Mr. Linn below!
In Science, we are wrapping up Unit 3 with our Chapter 5 Open Book Test and reviewing Simple Machines this week. Field trip permission slips for our May trip will be going home this week. Students must return these by May 2nd. Students without a permission slip will stay at the school and rotate through their normal classes.
We will be going over our culture unit exploring the things that other countries, including the United States, do differently from the rest of the world! Let me know if you have any questions!
This week in STEM we are diving into Unit 4 where we will study biomachatronics. Students will identify bones in the human skeleton and discuss bone and joint injuries.