KHS will have a Virtual/Testing Day on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.
Freshman & Seniors will have a Virtual Day and complete online assignments at home. If your student doesn't have a one-to-one device available to complete assignments, please contact the high school office as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Sophomores & Juniors will attend in person at KHS to take the PSAT. Students will complete the test around 11:50AM. Once the test is complete students will be released for lunch on campus or to go home. Lunch will be served for those students who would like to eat lunch on campus. Mid-day busses will run for KHS students needing transportation, busses will leave KHS at 1:00PM.
Athletic & Activities will meet at their regularly scheduled times.
If you have questions or concerns about the Virtual/Testing Day, please contact the high school at 208-423-4170 x 3145