Kimberly Hill

Kimberly Hill
Kimberly Hill

Welcome to the Kimberly High School Instrumental Music program. This is my first year at Kimberly and I am so happy to be here! This is my 12th year teaching, and I have taught elementary general music and choir, beginning band and orchestra, middle school band and choir, and have worked with high school orchestras, bands, and jazz bands before. Since I was in first grade, I knew I wanted to play an instrument and have ever since!

This year we are offering Concert/Pep Band, 0 Hour Jazz Band, and for the first time, Orchestra at Kimberly High School. I also teach the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands at Kimberly Middle School. Music is an integral part of our lives and surrounds us everywhere we go. I believe that everyone can enjoy, learn about, appreciate, and make music, and I look forward to guiding students to be the best musician they can be while at KHS. 


Orchestra is for students who play violin, viola, cello, and bass. Students will explore various musical time periods and generes in orchestra. 

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is a 0 hour class that meet before school. Students learn to play a wide variety of jazz-related generes. 


KHS Band consists of Concert/Pep Band. Students will perform concert band music as well as pep band duties throughout the year.