Spanish Three

Spanish Three allows the student the chance to master the grammar in Spanish I and II as it will all be retaught at a more accelerated pace. The goal of this course is increased fluency in written and spoken Spanish, as well as practical uses of Spanish in career choices. The course is taught in Spanish. Much more emphasis will be placed on vocabulary as the grammar will be review of the previous course. Homework is given daily, however there will be some class time for each task. The student will be expected to keep a running log on new vocabulary words. Native speakers will also identify words that they use that are colloquialisms verses universally accepted Spanish. There will be writing assignments in class that will be given peer review. The written work will be a springboard for class discussion in Spanish. Not only will you have lifelong skills in Spanish, but you will have completed the general education requirements for a bachelor's degree at most universities with eight college credits in humanities!