Welcome to the KMS 6th
Grade Weekly Update!
6th Grade Ski Day is going to be January 10th, if students come to school, they will be getting on the bus to go!
We will leave shortly after school begins and arrive at KMS around 4:30 pm. It's also the last day of the quarter so work needs to be done by January 9th! They need to wear snow boots, hats, gloves, snow pants, we don't want cold kids! Permission slips will be going home soon!
Mrs. Hall will be holding an open gym from 10am-12pm several days over break, M/T/Th the first week, and M/T/Th/F the second week. This is for all grades to come hang out together!
-The Sixth-Grade Team
In English we will read chapters 13-15 in A Long Walk to Water. Following those chapters, we will take a quiz, focusing on key details and language use in the story. On Wednesday/Thursday of this week, students will finish learning all of the elements of a body paragraph in a response to literature essay. We will address justification and then put it all together in a body paragraph practice. If students are absent for our writing instruction, they can access video lessons on Canvas and collect paper assignments from the absent station in class.
As a reminder, AR goals will now be graded. Students must obtain their goal each quarter to receive full points on the assignment. The assignment is weighted heavily enough to drop a student an entire letter grade. After collecting feedback from students, we will begin bi-weekly visits to the KMS library in order to give students more designated time to check out books. These library visits will occur each Tuesday during the first fifteen minutes of class.
Amarae Williams
This week we'll take a practice ISAT that covers many of the skills we have been learning. We'll also start Chapter 5 and work on multiplying fractions.
Christine Landers
This week we are discussing the art of persuasion. The students are going to create a presentation where they will attempt to persuade a family member or guardian to buy them "the best gift ever." They will work on the presentations this week and we will conduct the presentation next week. Hopefully they practice reading these off to you guys at home there is a hard deadline that assignments need to be completed and ready to be presented on Monday. The presentations need to last a minimum of 2 minutes and cannot go past 5 minutes or points will be deducted. If students are having any concerns or problems please let me know.
Brad Carlson
Pre Algebra:
If you have any questions about Pre-Algebra, please email Mr. Linn below!
Jimmie Linn
In Science, we are completing a mini lesson on Nutrition and Digestion as the end of our unit, Chemical Interactions.
Quincy Dahlberg
Hey everyone,
This week we will be working on finishing up and completing our Geography Terms Projects this week before we begin presentations next week! The rubric is online on my canvas page if you would like to review and look at it! Let me know if you have any questions.
Matt Wirtz
Hello! On Monday and Tuesday students are making Rube Goldberg Machines. On Wednesday and Thursday, they will write a short speech on the best simple machine and then they will debate against each other. On the 13th and 16th students will take their Semester 1 Exam. The study guide was offered on paper and is available on Canvas. Retakes can be taken on the 16th, 19th, & 20th before or after school.
Jamie Hyatt