6th Grade Weekly Update January 6th - January 10th

Welcome to the KMS 6th  

Grade Weekly Update! 

The end of the Second Quarter will be THIS WEEK January 10th!  

6th Grade Ski Day is going to be January 10th, if students come to school, they will be getting on the bus to go! 

 We will leave shortly after school begins and arrive at KMS around 4:30 pm. It's also the last day of the quarter so work needs to be done by January 9th! They need to wear snow boots, hats, gloves, snow pants, we don't want cold kids!  

-The Sixth-Grade Team 



Welcome back! In English, we are working on completing our Response to Literature essay outlines. We will also take our winter STAR test on Wednesday/Thursday. Please remind students to have their computers charged and with them each day. Lastly, we will introduce week 12 vocabulary terms.  


Just a reminder, this is the last week of quarter 2. With the 6th grade ski trip on Friday, students have until Thursday to meet their AR goals and turn in any missing assignments. Please have your student schedule a time with me before or after school for any assistance on assignments.  

Amarae Williams 



This week, we'll review fraction and decimal multiplication. Friday is the last day of the quarter. All missing work must be turned in by then and I'm available to help students get caught up if needed.  


Christine Landers 



Parents, I hope you had a good break with your students and hopefully surrounded by family. This week in PACK we will be covering school expectations briefly as a reminder for what should be coming to school and what is needed. We will also be working on a survey, I use this to grade myself and see how the students are responding to this class, what they enjoyed, what they did not. It is anonymous and is going to help me continue to shape this class, my teaching style, and what is relevant. Finally, assignments are due by Friday and all grades will be finalized for first semester, I will be available before school, at lunch, and after school as well as some free time during class for students who want to try to make up their time limits on their presentations. Lastly, obviously I had changed my grading rubric. A concerned parent came in and spoke to me about my grading and presented some sound arguments to change it for a third time that still allowed for some points for late assignments. The students and I are going to be talking about this as it demonstrates how, as adults, we use critical thinking and persuasion in everyday life. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at bcarlson@kimberly.edu.  


Brad Carlson  



Pre Algebra: 

If you have any questions about Pre-Algebra, please email Mr. Linn below! 

Jimmie Linn 



In Science, we are starting Unit 3: Motion and Forces. Our first lesson is on Motion. We are practicing graphing energy and completing a lab on how friction affects sleds.   
Quincy Dahlberg 



Hey everyone, 

We will be finishing up presenting our Geography Term Project PowerPoints to the class! Make sure they are all done and ready to go! We will then be starting our next unit over Continents and Oceans. 

Matt Wirtz 



Hello, it's the last week of Quarter 2! On Monday and Tuesday, we are wrapping up Quarter 2 with Journal Checks, our Simple Machines Debate, missing work and test retakes. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will begin Unit 3, Engineering for the Future. Don't forget to dress warmly for the snow fitness day on Friday! Test retakes can also be taken before or after school on Wednesday and Thursday.  


Jamie Hyatt