
SWPBIS: School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

What is it?
SWPBIS includes strategies for preventing problem behavior by changing routines and by teaching new social and communications skills. The goal of a SWPBIS is to improve quality of life not only for the child, but for all the individuals within the child’s social network.

This system is developed by a school for improving student behavior. It is used by all staff, with all students, across all environments pertaining to school (classroom, lunchroom, restroom, playground, bus, etc.), and to help a school create effective learning environments. Additional information and agreement form regarding the implementation for this program has been sent home with your child. Students and parents must sign the Stricker Elementary SWPBIS policy to indicate their understanding of this discipline program. Teaching behaviors that a school expects works best when there is consistency across home and school settings. SWPBIS is an approach to help all students learn to self-manage their behavior. This system will work the best when teachers, students and parents work together.


“ABSOLUTES” are major infractions of school rules for which students will be sent home automatically for a period of time. The “ABSOLUTES” for Stricker Students are:

  • Intentional acts of violence or harassment to any person,
  • Alcohol, drugs, or tobacco or anything that is made to appear like alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
  • Weapons or items that are used as weapons.