Welcome to our KHS Science Department

Gonna have a great year!

Physical Science 


This yearlong course offers students a comprehensive introduction to the science of life. Students will explore a wide range of biological concepts, beginning with the scientific method and the foundations of biochemistry. From there, we will dive into the structure and function of cells, examining how cellular processes sustain life. Genetics will be explored in depth, highlighting the principles of inheritance, DNA, and how traits are passed down through generations. Evolutionary theory will be studied, focusing on the mechanisms driving the diversity of life on Earth. Finally, students will investigate the intricate relationships within ecosystems, exploring the principles of ecology and environmental science. Throughout the course, students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and lab skills as they engage in experiments and collaborative projects. By the end of the year, students will have gained a solid understanding of the biological principles that govern life and will be prepared for future studies in the sciences.
Grade level: 10 


Environmental Science

Human Anatomy and Physiology

This yearlong course provides an in-depth exploration of the human body and its systems. Beginning with a review of essential principles in general biology and chemistry, students will build a foundational understanding of the chemical and biological processes that sustain life. The course then moves into detailed studies of major body systems, starting with the integumentary system and progressing through the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. Students will learn the structure, function, and interconnections of each system, gaining an appreciation for how the body works as a complex, integrated whole. A key component of this course includes hands-on dissections, where students will closely examine and explore preserved specimens to gain a deeper understanding of the anatomy of both humans and other organisms. Laboratory activities, dissections, and interactive projects will reinforce concepts and help students visualize the intricacies of human anatomy. By the end of the course, students will have developed a strong understanding of the human body and its functions, preparing them for careers in health sciences, medicine, and beyond.
Prerequisite: Minimum B in Biology, Chemistry preferred  Grade level: 12 (priority) and 11  
Dual credit: Offered as concurrent credit through NNU as BIOL1060 (4 credits possible)


Physics is a year-long laboratory course that fulfills the science requirements for graduation and university entrance. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of the physical world and an appreciation of various phenomena experienced in daily life. The course emphasizes lab skills, scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Physics is a quantitative science, and students will engage in a significant amount of mathematical work.
Prerequisite: Minumum B in Algebra 2  Grade level: 11 and 12