6th Grade Weekly Update August 26th - August 29th

Welcome to the KMS 6th  

Grade Weekly Update! 

This will be the weekly update and reminder for what is happening in all the 6th grade classes this year! Attached is a list of teachers and their emails if you have questions about anything. Thanks everyone! It is going to be a great year! 

-The Sixth-Grade Team 



We will be taking the STAR Reading Test on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will participate in a "book tasting" where students can explore different genres, take notes of what catches their interest, and then head to the library to check out some new books based on whatever genre(s) they were most interested in. Our book tasting will be conducted in "stations". Desks will be grouped into those stations for those two days. Have no fear, I will be here to help you find a seat!  


If you didn't submit your "Letter to Your Future Self" assignment, please do so as soon as possible. It was due last Friday. Your syllabus "quiz" is due this Friday, August 29 by 11:59pm. Both assignments can be completed from home. 


Amarae Williams 



In math this week, we'll explore area and practice decomposing numbers. We'll take a pre-test on Monday (A day) and Tuesday (B day) to see what math we remember. This will help me know what concepts we need to review. This score DOES NOT affect their grade. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Christine Landers 




In PACK we are not so easing into public speaking by presenting a PowerPoint where each student introduces themselves. I understand this is stressful for the students, but the parameters of the assignment are very simple. It is a chance to teach them how to navigate Canvas and also is helping me to remember their names and faces. If you have any issues please let me know. You can always reach me at bcarlson@kimberly.edu. 


Brad Carlson  



Pre Algebra: 

If you have any questions on Pre-Algebra this week, please email Mr. Linn below! 

Jimmie Linn 


In Science, we briefly discussed the scientific method and started our first Unit: Introduction to Matter. We are doing a water volume lab this week to discuss the ways to measure matter.  


Quincy Dahlberg 



Hey everyone, 

We will be working on navigating through Canvas and beginning the Canvas 101 assignments online. We will have time in class to work on them but don’t waste your time otherwise they become homework! 

Matt Wirtz 



This week students take a Semester 1 Pretest on Monday and Tuesday; we will dive into the Engineering Design Process with a case study and real world examples. Student Safety Contracts were sent home last week, and they must be returned this week so students can participate in their first project.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. 


Jamie Hyatt