Seniors Win Annual Powderpuff Game

The senior girls Powderpuff team and coaches pose after their win. | Photo by Anna Solomon

This past week was homecoming week, a time of fun and a chance to show school spirit. A favorite tradition that comes along with this is the powderpuff football game. Powderpuff is an assembly where the junior and senior girls go against each other. It is always competitive, and strong feelings and emotions are expected, and it was no different this year.  

There was a lot of planning that went into this intense, crazy game. The student council started planning this in the first week of school. They have a committee that focuses on making the game run as smoothly as possible. They decided who would be the coaches, cheerleaders, and announcers. Everyone can agree that they did a wonderful job planning. 

The first practice was on the Tuesday night before the big game. The coaches did not know what to expect and were coming in with open minds. 

“We didn’t know what to expect, but we were pleasantly surprised b the ability of the girls,” said Ryker Larson, one of the senior coaches. 

The energy was up, and everyone was extremely excited, but this did not mean both teams were not locked in. Many players could not make it, but everyone made do with what they had. The tension between the two grades was high, and no one knew what was going to happen next. 

When it was game day, the girls’ nerves started to get more prominent. No one knew who would win, and the student body could not wait to see how the game would play out. The seniors pulled out with an early lead, and it did not stop there. Even though the juniors were a strong team, they were no match for the seniors, who had a lot of passion for the sport. The player that changed the game was Katie Hanchey. She had many plays that the juniors couldn’t defend. In the end the seniors won 18-0. 

Powderpuff is a beloved tradition that brings the community and student body together. Many students wait all year to see the intense game happen and this year it did not disappoint! In the end this sport brought the senior class together and led to stronger friendships. The student body can’t wait to see what happens next year.