Office Aide
Students will help answer phones, run notes to classrooms, and assist Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Petersen with any office tasks.
Grade level: 11 and 12
Teacher Aide
Students will need to find a KHS classroom teacher to aide for. This job may consist of making copies, stapling papers, and assisting with classroom organization.
Grade level: 11 and 12
Elementary Aide
Students will find a teacher at SES or KES to aide for. Student is responsible for transporting themself to the elementary school. Good attendance is important. Student will assist elementary teacher with various educational activities and helping struggling students.
Grade Level: 11 and 12
Students can earn 1 credit by putting in 60 hours with an employer or mentor during the semester. The job can be a paid or volunteer position. See Mrs. Nannini for questions.
Grade level: 11 and 12