For more than a decade, the Kimberly community has supported funding for educational services contributing to KSD student success. Through the approvals of these two-year supplemental maintenance and operations levies, Kimberly residents have helped provide funding for teacher and staff salaries, benefits, as well as essential services such as transportation and food services. This funding has enabled the District to maintain the level of educational services families have come to expect.
With the current two-year supplemental levy expiring in June 2024, the Board voted on August 17 to place a measure on the November ballot, allowing voters to determine if the supplemental levy should be renewed through June 2026.
It is important to clarify that the District is not seeking an increase in the annual supplemental levy amount of $800,000 per year for two years. The proposed amount remains unchanged from the supplemental levy supported by voters in 2020 and 2022.
Dear fellow Kimberly District residents,
We wanted to personally inform you that as the Kimberly School District Board of Trustees we have made an important decision by passing a unanimous resolution to place a supplemental levy measure on the November 7, 2023, ballot. This measure will give all of us in the community the chance to vote on renewing the existing $800,000 annual levy. This levy will provide funding for our teachers and support staff’s salaries and benefits, through the 2025-2026 school year.
If approved, the levy will provide the equivalent of approximately nine teaching and staff positions that are not currently covered by state allocations. Salaries and benefits make up over 77 percent of our District's annual budget, and while state allocations help, there still exists a financial gap. The proposed supplemental-levy funds address this gap.
As individuals who care deeply about our community's educational system, we are grateful to all of you for supporting supplemental levies over the past decade. A levy vote puts the decision in the hands of residents whose property taxes will fund the salaries and benefits for these positions. *If approved, the levy renewal will cost approximately $68.00 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value per year (taxable assessed value minus homeowners’ exemption if applicable). This levy will be in effect for two years, replacing the current two-year levy that has the same cost but is set to expire on June 24, 2024.
We urge our fellow Kimberly residents to take a moment to educate yourselves further about the supplemental levy by visiting the website http://www.kimberly.edu/supplemental-levy-2023. Here, you can find valuable information about levy costs and how the funds will be used. You can also provide feedback by participating in the District's community survey at the same time.
Finally, we encourage each one of you to exercise your right to vote on November 7.
Please reach out to us with your questions. We are here to help.
Warm regards,
Kimberly School District Board of Trustees
Chad Allen, Zone 1: callen@kimberly.edu
Zachary Kelsey, Zone 2: zkelsey@kimberly.edu
Rex Ward, Zone 3: rward@kimberly.edu
Curtis Giles, Zone 4: cgiles@kimberly.edu
Leah Meeks, Zone 5: lmeeks@kimberly.edu
What is the total supplemental levy amount and how will the funds be spent?
- The total supplemental levy amount is $800,000 per year for two years.
- District officials prioritize funding teachers and support staff and view their roles as essential in providing quality educational services to our students.
- The renewed supplemental levy will fund instructional and support staff salaries and benefits that are NOT covered by State allocations.
- Salaries and benefits make up 77.66% of Districts general fund budget.
- Supplemental levy funds account for 5% of the District’s total budget.
How are these positions being funded now?
- Teacher and other support staff positions are currently funded with a mixture of state and supplemental levy funds.
Which schools in the District receive supplemental levy funds?
All six schools within the District receive supplemental levy funds to pay staff.
- Kimberly High School
- Kimberly Middle School
- Kimberly Elementary School
- Stricker Elementary School
- Kimberly Preschool
- RISE Charter School
As a homeowner, how will this affect my property taxes?
- Asking the community to decide on the supplemental levy in advance allows the District appropriate time to plan and create the budget.
- The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer of the proposed supplemental levy is a tax of $68.00 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.
- If the supplemental levy is approved, homeowners will see the supplemental levy rate and amount on their 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 property tax assessment statements from Twin Falls County.
Doesn't the District receive funds from the State of Idaho?
- The State allocates funds for a certain number of teachers and staff; however, the allocation does not fully cover the District’s compensation costs.
- State allocations provide funding for 109 District staff. The Kimberly School District has 118 staff creating a funding gap from what is provided by the state.
Do other school districts request supplemental levy funds?
- Yes, More than 80% of Idaho districts use levies to fund the gap between actual expenses and State allocations.,
How does a supplemental levy work and how is it different from a bond?
Levies and bonds are funding tools used by municipalities (schools, fire districts, cities, counties, etc.). An easy way to remember the difference is Levies = Learning and Bonds = Buildings.
Levies support basic programs and services, are assessed over a short-term period, and require approval by a simple majority of voters, 50% + 1.
Bonds are long-term funding options for capital improvements such as buildings or major equipment, expenses often too costly to fund through savings. Bonds generally extend 15-20 years and require approval by a super majority of voters, 66.67%.
This short video helps to explain the difference between a bond and a levy.
Why are we voting for the supplemental levy now?
- Without the $800,000 to fill the teacher and support staff compensation gap, the Board would evaluate class sizes, staffing levels, extracurricular programs, and/or other services.
- Asking the community to decide on the supplemental levy in advance allows the District appropriate time to plan and create the budget.
FAQ Handout
- If you would like a FAQ visual, click here
When and how can I vote?
Citizens over the age of 18 are eligible to vote in the November 7, 2023, election and must be registered with the Twin Falls County Clerk. Early voting or absentee voting are also available. Dates and deadlines appear below:
- Voter Registration Date: October 13
- Early Voting:
- October 23 – November 3, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Location: County West, 630 Addison Avenue West, 1st floor, Early Voting Room.
- Absentee Ballot Request: October 27 is the last day to request an absentee ballot
- Polling Locations:
- Kimberly 1 & 3: Crossroads United Methodist Church, 131 Syringa Avenue
- Kimberly 2 & 4: Kimberly Church of the Nazarene, 3550 E 3750 N.
Take the KSD Community Survey - We are interested in your feedback on important district topics.
To share your feedback, visit http://bit.ly/43B5bKs
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
- Luke Schroeder, Superintendent, 208.423.4170, Ext.3310, lschroeder@kimberly.edu
- Bridget Tilton, District Secretary, 208.423.4170, Ext.3308, btilton@kimberly.edu
The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed supplemental levy is a tax of $68.00 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions. The proposed supplemental levy replaces an existing supplemental levy that expires on June 30, 2024, and that currently costs $68.00 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value. Therefore, if the proposed supplemental levy is approved, the tax per $100,000 of taxable assessed value is not expected to change and will be in place for two years.