Jan. 10-Senior Photos and Quotes (submit here)
ASAP-Cap, gown and stole (order here)
Spring Senior Parent Meeting
March 1-FAFSA due (apply here) for Idaho Opportunity Scholarship (apply here)
April 15-Idaho Launch due (apply here)
May 10-Senior Presentations
May 20-21-Senior Finals
May 21-Senior Parade (starts at 6pm in the KHS parking lot)
Community party afterwards.
May 22-Lagoon Trip (Time:TBD; Cost: $50 due to Mrs. Sargeant by May 15)
May 23-Graduation practice @9am
Ceremony @7pm at KHS
Senior party-Gemstone Climbing 10pm-1am
Cost: $10 due to Mrs. Sargeant by May 15
*Make sure to check the KHS Scholarship page for scholarship deadlines. Kimberly Foundation Scholarships will be posted at the beginning of February.