Policy 4410 - Relations with the Law Enforcement and Child Protective Agencies

The primary responsibility for maintaining proper order and conduct in the schools is that of school staff. Staff shall be responsible for holding students accountable for infractions of school rules, which may include minor violations of the law occurring during school hours or at school activities. Where there is substantial threat to the health and safety of students or others such as in the case of bomb threats, mass demonstrations with threat of violence, individual threats of substantial bodily harm, trafficking of prohibited drugs or the scheduling of events where large crowds may be difficult to handle, or firearms present, the appropriate law enforcement agency shall be called upon for assistance. Information regarding major violations of the law shall be communicated to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The District shall strive to develop and maintain cooperative working relationships with the law enforcement agencies. Procedures for cooperation between law enforcement, child protective and school authorities shall be established. Such procedures shall be made available to affected staff and periodically revised.

Cross Reference:
4313 Disruption of School Operations

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-205 Denial of school attendance

Adopted on: 08/21/2003
Revised on: