Food Services

Kimberly High School has an excellent cafeteria that prepares wholesome "Class A" food at reasonable prices.  Hot lunches, snack items, and salads are served. Students eligible for reduced rate or free lunches must complete the necessary forms at the beginning of each school year. These forms must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the any school office before the program can be initiated. Click HERE for a link to our lunch menu and prices. 

Policy 3115 - Wellness: Healthy Choices

Mission:  To encourage students to adopt a life-long healthy life style through education and modeling good eating and exercise habits.

Goal:  The primary goal in nutritional and wellness education is to promote and encourage a life-long healthy life style by providing healthful foods, access to nutritional information, and opportunities to be physically active. Individuals who maintain a healthy life style are more likely to remain physically active and continue to learn and thrive.

The Kimberly School District will maintain a Wellness Committee that includes the Principals, Food Service Director, staff members from the three different schools, parents/patrons, students, school board members, and others interested in the promotion of school nutrition and fitness. This committee annually will review and seek additional methods necessary to insure wellness. 

Kimberly School District will maintain and continue to support the guidelines for reimbursable school meals as regulated and issued by the USDA.  This includes the school breakfast program, the school lunch program and any other snack, fruit, or vegetable program as requested to help enhance academic performance of our students.

Kimberly School District will continue to offer adequate time for eating, a good environment that is clean and conducive to eating and socializing, and all lunch and breakfast programs will be available to all students.

Kimberly School District will continue to work with vendors to provide choices and selections for healthy food and beverages in their machines.  All vendors will be asked to work with Kimberly School personnel in reaching these goals. Kimberly Schools will maintain the milk vending machines and require any additional vending machines to contain only those snacks and beverages that meet guidelines for healthy and nutritional items.  The Kimberly School District also expects all classrooms to sell and/or provide only healthy nutritional snacks and/or beverages for students.

In meeting these nutritional goals, Kimberly Schools will encourage and adopt curricula in grades K-12 that instruct and promote good nutrition and eating habits.  Elementary grades will introduce nutritional elements in each grade level.  Secondary students will receive instruction in their health classes, science classes, and PE.

Kimberly Schools will continue to support fitness by offering regular PE programs K-12 including the after-school program.  In addition to regular PE, all students on the secondary level are encouraged to participate in a variety of extra-curricular programs.  The Kimberly School District encourages and supports all students to participate in activities offered by public vendors such as KYA, Lions Soccer, Club Sports and physical activities through CSI.

The Kimberly School District provides information to each work site about available wellness resources and services. The district encourages employees to participate in daily physical activity and provides classes for personnel to participate in. These programs are voluntary and include activities such as weight lifting, bike spinning, yoga, and noon hour walking. The district also has a wellness committee to assist in identifying and supporting the health, safety, and well being of all district employees.

Legal Reference:
42 U.S.C. § 1751, et seq. (National School Lunch Act)

Policy History:
Adopted: June 15, 2006
Revised: 1st reading December 17, 2009
Revised: January 21, 2010