2024-2025 applications
CTE Scholarships (due dates: vary)
Due in February
- Words for Woody (Jae Foundation) due: Feb. 2nd
Due in March
- TF County Prosecuting Attorney Drug Free Student Scholarship (due: March 1) *see application below
- Idaho Power Scholarship (due: March 1)
- Jiffy Lube-What Drives You? Scholarship (due March 10)
- Idaho Latino Scholarship Foundation (due: March 31)
- PMT Foundation (due: March 31)
Due in April
- TruLeap (due: April 1)
- Summit Dental (due: April 4) *For students going into a field of study related to health care. See Mrs. Buckley for application.
- Gooding Basque Association (due: April 13) *See PDF below
Due in May
- John K. Wilson Scholarship (for first responders) due: May 15
Due in November
Daughters of American Revolution (due: Nov. 15) (email sbuckley@kimberly.edu for application)
UofI Choboni Scholars
*For students attending UofI with a major related to agriculture.
Agri Business Scholarship Application (due Dec. 16)
(See PDF application below)