Policy 8170 - District-Owned Vehicles

Disclaimer: The portion of this policy regarding District-Owned Vehicles Provided to Employees is for informational purposes only. If you have questions about taxable fringe benefits and how this applies to your district employees, please contact your district tax advisor or legal counsel.

District-Owned Vehicles
The District owns and maintains certain vehicles. Included among them are pickups, school buses and vans. These are for use by properly authorized personnel of the District for District business purposes.

Any driver who receives a citation for a driving violation while operating a District vehicle shall personally pay all fines levied. All citations received while the driver is a District employee, whether operating a District vehicle, must be reported and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Bus and Vehicle Maintenance, District
Buses used in the District’s transportation program shall be in safe and legal operating condition. All buses shall conform to standards of construction prescribed by the state board of education and inspections as required by law. The Superintendent shall establish a specific list of tasks that bus drivers shall perform on a daily basis. All other District vehicles shall be maintained following established programs as developed by the Superintendent.

District-Owned Vehicles Provided to Employees
The maintenance director is entitled to reasonable personal use of the District’s pick-up truck which is provided by the District for District business. The District maintains liability insurance upon this designated vehicle.

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-1506 Inspection of school buses
IDAPA Transportation
IDAPA Maintenance Standards and Inspections

Policy History:
Anticipated First Reading: February 19, 2009
Adopted on: March 12, 2009
Revised on: