Policy 8800 - Drones

It is the policy of the Kimberly School District to maintain a safe learning environment. The District has determined that unapproved use of drones poses a safety hazard. The use or possession of unmanned aircraft or aerial systems (UAS), also known as drones, is prohibited for any purpose by any person or entity at any District-sponsored event; game; match; tournament; or anywhere in, on, or directly above or upon property or premises owned, maintained or used by the District for any purpose, unless otherwise preempted by applicable State or federal law. The District reserves the right to remove or refuse admission to any individual who violates this policy. The District further reserves the right to exclude any individual who violates this policy from future District events. Violators may also be reported to appropriate authorities, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Students or employees violating this policy shall be subject to formal disciplinary action pursuant to District policies.

Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)
An unmanned aircraft, or drone (hereinafter “drone”), is an aircraft that is:

  1. Capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere;
  2. Flown within visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft; and
  3. Flown for hobby or recreational purposes.

An exception to this policy may be made in specific cases but must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee and must follow appropriate use outlined below. 

Appropriate Use
School Related:
  Teachers/staff, and students may, with pre-approval from School or District Administration, and if part of a school program or activity, operate a drone on school property solely for the limited purpose of the administrative pre-approval. 

To receive pre-approval from school or district administration, the supervising staff member must submit the following information in writing to administration:

  1. Age and grade of the students who would be flying under staff member supervision
  2. Size and weight of the drone
  3. The educational purpose of students flying the drone
  4. The level of supervision including teacher-to-student ratio and supervision plan
  5. The location of the lesson and a list of all possible locations where the drones will be flown

In addition to the above information, the supervising staff member must clearly state if there is intention for any students to become a Certified Drone Pilot. 

Non-School Related:  Visitors and unsupervised students are prohibited from operating drones on District property. 

The following guidelines must be adhered to by anyone flying a drone on District property:

  1. Absent specific written permission from the District’s Administration, all drones operating on District property must weigh no more than 55 lbs. If a drone weighs between .55 and 55 pounds, the individual must register the device online. The school shall request proof of the drone owner/operator with regard to the device’s registration.
  2. Operators must not operate a drone within five miles of any airport without prior notification and confirmation from airport authorities.
  3. Operators must abide by any other airspace restrictions.
  4. Operators must not operate a drone above an altitude of 400 feet above ground level and must remain clear of surrounding obstacles.
  5. Operators must maintain safe control and line of sight with the drone during all stages of operation. Drones may only be flown during daylight and in weather that allows 3 miles of visibility from the place the drone is being operated.
  6. Operators must maintain a safe operating distance from crowds and may not fly over stadiums, sports events, emergency response efforts, or any people who are not directly involved in the operation of the drone.
  7. Operators must ensure drone operations do not interfere with manned aircraft operations.
  8. Data collected by a drone can only be used for educational purposes and may not be sold for profit.
  9. If there is a plan to fly drones over property that is not owned by the District, written permission from the owner of the property must be provided to the Superintendent or his or her designee. Those operating drones on property not owned by the District must adhere to all requirements of this policy.
  10. Operators assume all risk of damage to property and bodily injuries that may occur due to unsafe operation of any drones.

The Superintendent or designee may require those using the drone to: 

  1. Supply proof of insurance meeting liability limits established by the District;
  2. Sign an agreement holding the District harmless from any claims of harm to individuals or damage to property; and
  3. Meet additional requirements as determined appropriate by the District.

Inappropriate Use
Inappropriate use of drones includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Violating any State or Federal laws or rules or any District policy;
  2. Taking pictures of property or persons without consent;
  3. Violating safe operating protocols as defined in drone user manual and as directed by the supervising staff member; 
  4. Deliberately annoying another person, interfering with another’s work, insulting or attacking others, or harassing others; and
  5. Take-offs or landings on District property contrary to this policy or pre-approval of the District’s administration. 

District staff shall monitor for inappropriate use of District drone technology as defined by this policy. Violators may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion for students and termination for employees. Violators may also be subject to civil penalties pursuant to Idaho Code § 21-213(3).3          

Legal Reference:
Memorandum:  Educational Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, Section 336. Special Rule for Model Aircraft
I.C. § 21-213  Restrictions on Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems 

Other References:
Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Federal Aviation Administration, https://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/

Policy History:
Adopted on: 09/19/18
Revised on: 02/20/20