Cheating & Plagiarism

Academic Honesty Policy

As Kimberly High School prepares students for the challenges of today and tomorrow, we find it important to maintain a high standard of academic honesty. We desire that our school maintains a high standard for integrity, fairness, and trust. Because of our mission, it is vital that students show their own work, skills, and abilities in assignments and assessments.


Cheating is obtaining or attempting to obtain an unfair advantage on assignments or assessments. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Copying from another student on an assignment or assessment without teacher permission.
  2. Using notes, electronic devices, or other aids on assessments or assignments without teacher permission.
  3. Sharing answers with other students without permission.
  4. Submitting work that has been completed by someone else without proper attribution.



Plagiarism is claiming someone else’s words, ideas, or work as your own without proper attribution. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Copying text from a source without proper citation or quotation marks.
  2. Paraphrasing text without proper citation.
  3. Using images, charts, or graphs without attribution.
  4. Reusing or recycling your own work from a previous class without asking for teacher permission.


Use of AI

Students need to be ethical and responsible in their use of AI technologies for academic work. Students should take the following considerations into account when using AI:

  1. AI should be used as a learning aid, not as a replacement for completing assignments.
  2. Students should not use AI material and claim it as their own work. If AI is used in creating work, this should be acknowledged to the instructor. Failure to do so will be treated as cheating.
  3. Students should understand that AI sources are not always accurate. Students are ultimately responsible for inaccurate information.
  4. If students are not sure on the proper use of AI for an assignment, they should consult their teacher.



When a student is found to have violated the Academic Honesty Policy, each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The consequences may range from redoing the assignment for full or partial credit to receiving a zero for the violation.

Additionally, the teacher will notify the parent and office as to the action taken.  Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the principal including suspension for repeated occurrences.