STUDENT Executive Leadership Team

The purpose of the Kimberly Middle School Executive Leadership Team is to provide leadership and vision to improve our school responsibly by representing the student body through personal values and cooperative decision making. Its purpose is to educate its members in the dynamics of leadership, public service, and civic action. The Kimberly Middle School Executive Student Leadership Team is a student-centered network through which student leaders representing Prime-Time classes, learn and serve, speak and act.

General Student Leadership Team consists of one representative from each Prime Time in grades 6-8. Membership to the General Leadership Team is open to application and nominations within the first two weeks of school. Membership criteria: a) 2.5 GPA; b) A desire to be in a leadership position; c) Able to honor and promote the Pillars of Character.

Students who are interested in the Executive Student Leadership Team will need to have 1 year prior experience on the General Student Leadership Team. The General Student Leadership Team will select for the following year, two 8th grade students and two 7th grade students to be members. These selections will take place the last two weeks of school.