Research has proven a direct correlation between school attendance and academic achievement. While parents/guardians are responsible for getting their child to school, the school has a responsibility to enforce the Idaho State Compulsory Statue (Law) requiring students between the ages of 7 - 16 to be in regular attendance at school. ALL absences, whether excused or not, count as an absence.

Verified Absence: The school is notified by parent and student attendance is marked with a “P”. (Parent verified)

Unverified Absence: The school is NOT notified by a parent/guardian and student attendance is marked with a “U” for unexcused.

Administrative Excused Absence-: Under special circumstances, the principal may allow for an administrative absence (E). These absences are still recorded as absences but do not count against the student for things where attendance is a determining factor (for example, incentive rewards, participating in an athletic event, etc.)

Tardy: Any arrival to school or a class up to ten minutes after the tardy bell is considered a tardy and then an absence after 10 minutes. After a student receives five (5) cumulative tardies, a 30-minute detention will be served for every tardy the remainder of the quarter. When a student reaches 10 tardies in one quarter, they will be placed on an attendance contract and parents will be notified.   When a student reaches 15 tardies in one quarter, they will serve a one-day in-school suspension. Each quarter the tardies start over. When a student reports late to class because he/she was meeting with a staff member, the student should be given a pass from the staff member and the tardy will be removed from the student's record.

Truancy: A student is considered truant when he/she:

  • is absent from school without parent permission

  • leaves the school grounds without the knowledge and/or permission of an adult office staff member

  • all truancies will be reported to the principal for serious disciplinary action.

Attendance Concerns: After a student has accumulated ten (10) absences, a letter will be mailed home stating attendance concern.  If it is determined that there is not a legitimate excuse for the absences, the principal will meet with the student and make a parent contact.

After having fifteen (15) or more absences in the school year, a referral may be made to local law enforcement—our school resource officer and/or truancy court. Charges may be filed to uphold the enforcement of the Idaho State Compulsory Attendance Statute (law). Extenuating circumstances with sufficient documentation will be taken into consideration.