Policy 9400 - Safety Program

The Board acknowledges the importance of safety for students, staff and others having business with the District. In addition, programs that advocate safety education, accident prevention, proper supervision and OSHA Regulations are important protective measures and are also a means to promote a culture of safety awareness. The Board directs the Superintendent to form a District-wide Safety Committee to research and assess available programs and make recommendations to the Board for the implementation of these programs.

The Board also directs the District Safety Committee to develop an Exposure Control Plan to eliminate or minimize work-related exposure to blood-borne pathogens, particularly Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV).

Cross Reference:
8520 Inspection of School Facilities
9300 Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-512 – Governance of schools
29 CFR 1910.1030 – The Blood-borne Pathogens Standard

Policy History:
Adopted on: 10/21/2009
Revised on: