Policy 1332 - Authorization of Signatures

For the conduct of the business of the District, the Board may grant authority to specific staff to sign certain documents on behalf of the District. The Chair, Clerk and another board member duly authorized to sign district checks are authorized to use a facsimile signature plate or stamp.

The school principal is designated as the custodian of each school building activity fund. The Director of Food Services is designated as the custodian of the Food Service Funds. The District Athletic Director is designated as the custodian of the District Athletic Funds. The Superintendent is designated as the custodian of all District petty cash accounts. Staff employed by the District in the following designated positions are authorized to sign on behalf of the Board checks drawn on any specific petty cash account: Administrative Assistant, Business Services, Administrative Assistant, District Office.

Contracts for Goods and Services and Leases:
The Superintendent is authorized to sign on behalf of the Board, contracts, leases, and/or contracts for goods and services for amounts under $5,000 without prior approval of the Board. The types of goods and services contracted for must be pre approved and included in the annual approved budget by the Board.

Personnel Contracts:
The Board Chair and Clerk are authorized to sign personnel contracts and agreements of employment on behalf of the Board by facsimile signature.

Negotiated Agreements:
Negotiated agreements shall be signed for the District by the Board Chair, Clerk, and or Superintendent.

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-705 Activity Funds.

Policy History: First Reading 10/29/02
Adopted on: Second Reading 11/26/02
Revised on: