Policy 1510P - School Board Operating Procedure

Board Operating Procedures and Protocols


  1. The Board will conduct its meetings and order of business using general rules of parliamentary procedure for small boards.  Should a question on parliamentary procedure arise at any meeting, the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order (small boards) will be used as a guide. 
  2. All Board meetings shall be held in a location that is accessible to the public. Any person with a disability that requires accommodation or support to allow them to attend a meeting and/or provide comment may request such accommodations
  3. The Board will abide by all rules of the Idaho Open Meetings Law, and the Board Clerk shall keep written minutes of all open Board meetings. 
  4. The order of business shall be reflected on the agenda and is determined by the Board Chair and Superintendent with input from the Board. Upon consent of a majority of the Board, the order of business at any meeting may be changed. Patrons may suggest items for inclusion on the agenda by submitting a written request to the Board Clerk. 
  5. Proxy voting is not permitted. Board Members are allowed, by Idaho Law, to attend virtually or by phone when they are unable to attend the meeting in-person. Each Board Member will attend all meetings in-person and only remotely when necessary. 
  6. The Board will accept in-person public comment at every regular meeting before action is taken on District business, including the consent agenda. The Board may take action to approve an agenda prior to public comment. Our rules for patron comment are outlined in policy 1441The Board may accept public comment at Special Meetings on items that warrant input. No public comment will be allowed on items that require an executive session as outlined in Idaho Code 74-206, including but not limited to, subject matter that includes personnel, students, pending litigation, or other items that are deemed confidential by Idaho Law.
  7. The Board will consistently follow our audience participation procedures outlined in Policy 1441. 
  8. The Board will consider and represent the needs and interests of all of the children in our District. 
  9. The Board will lead by example. We agree to avoid inflammatory and personally directed language and actions that create a negative impression of an individual, the Board, or the District. While we encourage debate and differing points of view, we will do it thoughtfully and with respect. 
  10. All personnel complaints and criticisms received by the Board or its individual members will be directed to the Superintendent through the Board’s Uniform Grievance Procedure. 
  11. Board Members will encourage others to follow the Board policy on complaint procedures to present their concerns, problems, or proposals to the person who can properly address their issue by using the Board’s Uniform Grievance Procedure. 
  12. To be efficient and effective, long Board meetings will be avoided. If a Board Member needs more background information on business items, they will contact the superintendent in advance of the meeting and consider a special meeting to address tabled matters.
  13. The Board will consider research, best practices, public input, and financial impacts in our decision making. 
  14. The superintendent is the CEO (chief executive officer) and should recommend, propose, or advise on all items that go before the Board.
  15. The Board will speak to the issues on the agenda and not engage in off-topic debate. Facts and information needed from the administration will be referred to the Superintendent. 
  16. Work sessions will be for in-depth discussion on one or two agreed-upon topics, which will be identified on an agenda. 
  17. When executive sessions are held, Board Members will honor the confidentiality of everything presented or discussed. 
  18. The Board commits itself to continuous improvement through annual Board retreats, work sessions, and participating together in learning opportunities. The Board will ensure it includes a properly noticed agenda for such meetings. 
  19. The Board and Superintendent will annually facilitate goal setting for the School District.
  20. Board Members will do their homework and improve their board skills by attending learning and networking opportunities.
  21. We recognize that individual Board Members do not have authority. Only the Board as a whole has authority. We agree that an individual Board Member will not take unilateral action. 
  22. The Board Chair or designee will be the Board’s spokesperson. 
  23. When Board Members serve on committees or attend committee meetings, their role shall be as liaison to the Board and, when addressing the committee, shall be only as one individual on the Board.  The Board will establish the vision, mission, and goals for the District, adopt policies, and assure accountability. The Superintendent will manage the schools. 


Legal ReferencesDescription
IC § 33-205Denial of School Attendance
IC § 33-510Annual Meetings – Regular Meetings – Board of Trustees
IC § 74-202Open Public Meetings – Definitions
IC § 74-203Governing Bodies--Requirement for Open Public Meetings
IC § 74-204Notice of Meetings
IC § 74-205Written Minutes of Meetings
IC § 74-206Executive Sessions – When Authorized
IC § 74-206ANegotiations in Open Session
Idaho Open Meeting Law ManualCurrent edition



Date Adopted: 07/18/2024