
As set by state certification requirements

Primary Responsibility to:
Director of Special Services

Secondary Responsibility to:
Building Principals

Job Goal:
In order to assist the District in minimizing, resolving, and preventing learning and school adjustment problems of children through child study services and contracted consultant services, the school psychologist shall carry out the following performance tasks:

  1. As a member of a child study team (special educator, school psychologist, communication disorders specialist), evaluate developmental progress, level of intellectual ability, general academic progress, receptive-expressive problems, and social-emotional adjustment of students referred for special services such as recommendations for planning, implementing, and monitoring intervention strategies..
  2. Participate in staffing conferences with school personnel to assist in interpreting assessment findings and to help develop a prescriptive program which best meets the child’s needs.
  3. Conduct feedback conferences with parents to interpret assessment findings, share recommendations for home involvement, and secure parent permission for placement in a special education program if warranted.
  4. Interpret findings to the student, where appropriate, and provide necessary counseling services where needed.
  5. Systematically and cooperatively (together with Child Study Team) follow up each child study case to evaluate student progress and to determine future needs.
  6. Serve as a consultant to teachers, administrators, other special services personnel, parents, and the community to improve educational programs for students.
  7. Act ethically in all aspects of the psychologist role.
  8. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Terms of Employment:
The contract period shall be seventy 190 days per the school calendar. The salary shall be commensurate with the employee’s appropriate place on the approved salary and/or activity schedule. Extended contract days are negotiable.

Performance of this position will be in accordance with provisions of the board’s policy on evaluation.