Facilities Specialist

Demonstrate ability to accomplish the performance tasks below. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the administration may find appropriate and acceptable.

Primary Responsibility to:
Maintenance Director

Secondary Responsibility to:
Superintendent of Schools

Job goal:
Provide students and staff with a safe, attractive, clean, and efficient learning environment, the facilities specialist shall carry out the following performance tasks which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Check and empty the outdoor trash receptacles located on the district grounds on an as needed basis.
  2. Ability to lift 60 pounds, daily.
  3. Assist the maintenance department when directed.
  4. Clean up after high school lunch.
  5. Must be knowledgeable and adhere to all District policies.
  6. Pickup and distribute mail and packages as directed district wide on a daily basis.
  7. Mow lawns, trim trees and bushes as needed.
  8. Spray herbicide and apply fertilizer to grounds as needed.
  9. Repair and operate irrigation systems including moving and maintaining handlines as needed.
  10. Assist with maintaining the Maintenance Request system.
  11. Assist with organizing invoices and submitting purchase order requests.  
  12. Standard office practices and procedures, including the use of standard office equipment.
  13. Maintain the mailroom in a neat and orderly condition.
  14. Knowledge of Postal and shipping rates and regulations.
  15. Report any safety or health concerns to the Director of Maintenance or the Superintendent immediately upon discovery of such concerns.
  16. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Maintenance Director or the Superintendent of Schools.

Terms of Employment:
Employment and salary schedule shall be determined by the Superintendent with a recommendation by the Maintenance and Transportation Supervisor.

Performance of this position will be evaluated periodically by the Maintenance Supervisor.