School Nurse

As set by state requirements

Primary Responsibility to:

Secondary Responsibility to:
Building Principals

Job Goal:

  1. Provides health and wellness screenings and health counseling.
  2. Maintains health files and provides results of health screenings to parents and teachers.
  3. Gives emergency care to students who become ill or are injured on school property or on buses.
  4. Provides education/instruction regarding health related subjects in the classroom, in small groups, and on an individual basis when requested and as available.
  5. Assists administrators to assure student immunization status complies with state law
  6. Assists with administration of medication to students when prescribed by a physician.
  7. Conducts staff development in health related areas when requested.
  8. Provides health training and information to parents as needed.
  9. Serves as a resource person for the Wellness Committee.
  10. Promotes good health practices through communication with students, parents and staff as time allows.
  11. Monitors and maintains adequate health room supplies for health room.
  12. Participates in IEP Team or other school care teams when requested
  13. Evaluates health history forms provided by parents or physicians to assist in identifying and accommodating students with medical needs.
  14. Develops health plans when requested by the child study team.
  15. Acts as contact person for physicians and health agencies.
  16. Refers eligible students to homebound services.
  17. Supports wellness programs such as influenza vaccines, blood draws, and blood pressure checks.
  18. Maintains high standards of ethical behavior and confidentiality of student information.

Terms of Employment:
160 hours per school year.

Performance of this position will be in accordance with provisions of the board’s policy on evaluation.