Policy 7330 - Credit Card Policy

Purchase Orders are the preferred payment for goods and services for the Kimberly School District. District Credit Cards will be issued to each of the following identified individuals employed by the District:

  1. Superintendent
  2. Kimberly High School Principal
  3. Kimberly Middle School Principal
  4. Kimberly Elementary School Principal
  5. Director of Curriculum
  6. Director of Maintenance
  7. High School Athletic Director
  8. Director of Special Education and After-School Programs
  9. Director of Programs
  10. Director of Transportation
  11. Kimberly High School (held by bookkeeper)
  12. Food Service Director
  13. Technology Department

In addition, 3 Activity Cards, 3 Athletic Department Cards, and 2 Gas Cards are available for check-out (upon appropriate approval) for a pre-determined amount and time period.   Example: An Athletic Department Card issued to the Basketball coach for expenses associated with a State Tournament.

District credit cards are only to be used for authorized school business and cannot be used to circumvent the District’s outlined procedures for purchases. The card is not to be used for regularly occurring bills for routine district operation. The credit card, under no circumstances, will be used to secure a cash advance. If an employee utilizes the District’s credit cards for personal use they will be subject to discipline, up to and including possible termination from their employment. All Credit Card purchases shall be pre-approved and documented on the District’s Credit Card Approval Form. When utilizing a credit card for travel expenses limits will be set by the appropriate administration prior to trip. 

The District’s Business Manager is responsible for the maintenance of the credit card accounts. The Business Manager, in consultation with the District’s Superintendent, and with notice to the District’s Board of Trustees, will establish the credit limit for the District’s credit card accounts. No employee of the District shall contact the credit card issuer in attempt to increase the credit limit of the account.

All purchases made through the use of the District’s credit cards will be reported to the District’s Business Manager within ten days of the purchase. With the report of the credit card use, the employee is also to provide all receipts on the purchases made as well as any applicable purchase order documentation, or the employee will personally be responsible for the charges which were made to the credit card account. Additionally, the employee’s privileges to use the District credit card may be terminated and the employee may be subject to disciplined up to termination.

Upon receipt of the billing invoice for the District’s card, the Business Manager is responsible for reconciliation of the account and assurance that the proper documentation for such purchases has been provided to the Business Manager.

Employees issued District credit cards are responsible for the safekeeping of the card. If a card is lost it shall immediately be reported to the District’s Business Manager for cancellation and replacement of the account.

Policy History:
First Reading: 11/21/2002
Adopted On: 12/19/2002
Revised On: August 21, 2003
Revised On: September 16, 2004
Revised On: December 15, 2005
Revised On: January 19, 2006
Revised On: October 18, 2017