The District maintains a complete personnel record for every employee (certificated and classified). Much of the information contained in employee personnel files is confidential and access to such files should be limited to the Superintendent, Principal, classified administrative assistants, the employee, and the employee’s designee or representative.
A log of those persons other than the Superintendent, Principal or other administrative staff, will be kept indicating the date and time of inspection, name of person requesting access, description of the records copies, if any, and the initials of the person providing the access and/or copies of the requested records.
All District Employees
The District may maintain the following files for employees:
- District File (Official); and
- Building File.
An employee’s official file shall be kept in the district office. It should contain the following records:
- application materials;
- contracts of employment; and
- communications from the administration.
The building file may contain performance evaluations, notes and observations used in the development of formative evaluations. The information contained in these files shall not be maintained more than twelve months without giving a copy of said material to the employee.
Each employee will be provided written notice of all materials placed in an employee’s personnel file. Notice shall be provided within ten (10) days of placement of information in the employee’s file. An employee will have the opportunity to attach a written rebuttal to any information placed in the employee’s personnel file. An employee will have ten (10) days (from the date written notice of placement) to attach a statement or notification of rebuttal. Should an employee refuse to sign any entry or record in his/her personnel file, a notation shall be placed in the file documenting such refusal. An employee cannot prevent the placement of information in their file by refusing to sign any document.
Upon request, an employee or the employee’s designee or representative will have access to the employee’s personnel file and will be provided copies, upon request within a reasonable period of time.
Record Keeping Requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act
In addition to the information to be placed in an employee’s personnel file set forth herein above, may be any and all payroll information required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Cross Reference:
4340 Public Access to District Records
Legal Reference:
29 USC 201, et seq. Fair Labor Standards Act
I.C. § 33-517 Non-certificated Personnel
I.C. § 33-518 Employee personnel files.
Policy History:
Adopted on: Nov. 21, 2003
Revised on: