Policy 5240 - Professional Development Opportunities

A. Role of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the Kimberly School District supports the concept of professional Development. As such, the Board of Trustees commits the district to a policy of systematic staff development for all staff. In order for this to be accomplished the Board of Trustees has made a commitment to understand and support the mission, goal, and objectives of each school / department’s professional staff development program that is based on student needs and state board / department requirements.

B. Philosophy
A quality staff must have access to the current research and latest techniques being used in the educational community. Consequently, the Kimberly School District supports a staff development policy that provides a common knowledge base for all staff members and also allows individuals to develop to their highest potential to meet the needs of their students. It is imperative in the development of this policy that the district and the school / department be congruent in their setting of goals.

C. Needs Assessment
The school / department will periodically conduct a needs assessment. This needs assessment will follow the outline provided by the State Department of Education. The high priority items identified in the needs assessment will form the basis for major activities in the district’s, school’s and staff’s development plan for the school year or until completed. School / department professional development is to be systematically planned and implemented. Consideration will be given to long range directional goals and objectives, short term goals and objectives, testing data as well as any pertinent educational research. For schools it must be closely correlated with curriculum development and/or teaching methodology, and/or provisions of the federal law. The plan must address how students will be benefited from the outcomes expected from each activity.

D. Planning Process
Annually, the district’s budget will have both federal and local funds designated to support professional development for all staff. These funds will be allocated to the curriculum director to support the goals for the district and each school’s Professional Development Plan or the goals of the Federal programs. A District Plan that includes both district and school staff development will be written by the Curriculum Director and approved by the Academic Leadership Team at the district level. Schools will provide input to the District Staff Development Plan. The plan shall include a process of communicating the essence of the plan to the public. Activities may include conference attendance, workshop attendance, visitations of other schools / departments, consultants, or other activities. Group activities are to be scheduled at a time when most staff members are available, and if possible, held within our school district. The written plan shall be submitted to the superintendent for Board Adoption at the beginning of the school year.

E. Funding
In addition to the funds described in item “D”, individual staff members shall have $300.00 annually (pro-rated for employees less than full-time) that they may utilize for personal-professional development. This money is restricted to university or college credit, workshop registration, or fees and books. (If money is used to reimburse cost of books, the books are to be placed in the school’s professional library at the completion of the course. If the employee wishes to retain the text for their personal library the cost is not reimbursable.) Advance permission to use these monies must be sought through the appropriate administrative staff. These funds may not be allocated in a year in which the school district faces a shortfall in revenue due to inadequate funding from state or local sources.

F. Evaluation
Each professional development activity shall be evaluated by the participants and the data forwarded to the curriculum director. Annually, the management and school staff shall evaluate in writing their annual staff development plan and report the results to the Board of Trustees at their May meeting.

G. Definition of Terms

  • Workshops, classes, conferences that support the District or School Improvement Plans.
  • Workshops, classes or conferences that the principal or director asks the teacher to attend which will enhance their expertise.
  • Advanced degrees that will enhance the teacher’s ability to assist students. (Three days per year of professional leave. Must be included in the staff members written and approved staff development program.)


  • Classes to meet re-certification requirements.
  • Advanced degrees that will enhance the teacher’s ability and are educationally related to their assignment or provide growth opportunity in a career ladder.
  • Registration at an educational conference or meeting that is related to the employee’s assignment.
  • Other activities as detailed on the staff member’s written personal professional development plan.
  • Board Policy for use of these dollars will be followed.


  • State Testing and Curriculum Development Sessions.
  • ISAT State and Area Meetings – Test writing
  • State meetings clarifying standards, curriculum, assessment where district expertise is required.
  • Classes to meet re-certification requirements when NO alternative is available such as after hours, weekends or summer school.  (Failure to plan is not an emergency.)
  • Other unique educational opportunity approved by school/department/program.


  • Presenting, as a result of a direct written invitation, at State or National Educational/Professional Conference(s).
  • Attending State or Local Educational Committees (Curriculum, Accreditation, Activities, etc.)
  • Attending activities that support goals of schools or programs such as kindergarten parent conferences, field trip coverage of classes, or supporting students off campus in school/program/activity endeavors.
  • Serving as an officer in a State or National Education Organization.  (Needs prior School Board approval)

All Leave requests must be approved first by the Principal and the Program Director (if applicable), next by the Curriculum Director and then by the Superintendent.  Before any leave can be approved, it must be clear where the total resources for the leave are budgeted.  The importance of having qualified teachers or substitutes in the classroom will be a significant consideration in granting requests for leave.  

Legal Reference:

Policy History:
Adopted on: January 20, 1994
Revised on: January 27, 2004
Revised on: February 17, 2006
Revised on: May 17, 2007