Policy 2335 - Health Enhancement

Health, family life and sex education, including information about parts of the body, reproduction and related topics, shall be included in the instructional program as appropriate to the grade level and course of study. The instructional approach shall be developed after consultation with parents and other community representatives. Parents may ask to review the materials to be used and may request that their child be excluded from sex education class lessons without prejudice. A letter and/or e-mail shall be sent from the school a minimum of ten days prior to the sex education lesson(s) to all parents. In the event that a parent or guardian does not want their child to participate, they need to communicate, in writing, with the student's teacher.  The teacher will provide an alternative assignment.

The Board believes that sexual education, covering HIV/AIDS, other STDs, and general risks, is most effective when integrated into a comprehensive health education program. Instruction shall be developmentally appropriate to the grade level of the students and shall occur in a systematic manner. The Board particularly desires that students receive proper education about HIV before they reach the age when they may adopt behaviors that put them at risk of contracting the disease.

In order for education about HIV and other STDs to be most effective, the faculty members who present this instruction continuing training that includes appropriate teaching strategies and techniques. Other staff members not involved in direct instruction but who have contact with students shall receive basic information about HIV/AIDS and instruction in the use of universal precautions when dealing with body fluids.

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Education
Students will receive education regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. The curriculum will provide instruction to students in the areas of prevention, education, treatment, rehabilitation, and legal consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. Faculty members who present this instruction receive continuing training that includes appropriate teaching strategies and techniques.

In accordance with Board policy, parents shall have an opportunity to review curriculum before it is presented to students. In the event that a parent or guardian does not want their child to participate, they need to communicate, in writing, with the student's teacher.  The teacher will provide an alternative assignment.  

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-1608 et seq. family life and sex education - Legislative policy
IDAPA Health Standards

Policy History:
1st Reading:    April 19, 2001
Adopted on:   May 17, 2001
Revised on:    11/26/02, 01/28/03, 08/15/18