Policy 2160 - Federal Monies

The Superintendent shall pursue funding all federal monies to which the district is entitled to under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The current title for this program is No child Left Behind (NCLB). These dollars shall be used, under the provision of the grant for compensatory instructional services and activities, to improve the educational opportunities of educationally disadvantaged and deprived children.

The Superintendent shall also insure that the District appropriately uses any funds received.

The Superintendent shall develop appropriate procedures to bring about parent involvement in the educational process for their children in any District Federal program.

Legal Reference:
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (as amended),
20 U.S.C. §§ 6301-6514, as implemented by 34 CFR parts 200, 201, 203, 205 and 212.

Policy History:
First Reading: 11/26/02
Adopted on: 1/28/03