Accreditation Standards
The Board will comply with all accreditation standards established by the State Board of Education. The District uses the following standards as required by law:
Idaho Elementary/Secondary Accreditation Standards, dated October 17, 1996
Northwest Accreditation Standards
Idaho School Accreditation School Improvement Model
The District will timely submit all accreditation reports to Elementary/Secondary Accreditation Committee.
Continuous Progress Education
The Board acknowledges its responsibility for developing and implementing a curriculum designed to provide for sequential intellectual and skill development necessary for students to progress on a continuous basis from elementary through secondary school.
The Superintendent is directed to develop instructional programs that will enable each student to learn at the student’s best rate. The instructional program shall strive to provide for:
- Placement of a student at the student’s functional level and the student’s age;
- Learning materials and methods of instruction considered to be most appropriate to the student's learning style; and
- Evaluation to determine if the desired student outcomes have been achieved.
Each year, the Superintendent shall determine the degree to which such instructional programs are being developed and implemented. Accomplishment reports submitted annually shall provide the Board with the necessary information to make future program improvement decisions.
Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-119 Accreditation of Secondary Schools – Standards for Elementary Schools
IDAPA Accreditation
Policy History:
First Reading: 11/26/02
Adopted on: 1/28/03