Policy 2420 - Grading and Progress Reports

The Board believes that the cooperation of school and home is a vital ingredient in the growth and education of the student and recognizes the responsibility to keep parentsinformed of student welfare and progress in school.

The issuance of grades and progress reports serves as the basis for continuous evaluation of the student's performance and determining changes that should be made to effect improvement. These reports shall be designed to provide information that will be helpful to the student, teacher, counselor and parent. Instructors shall update grades and progress utilizing the school district’s student management system. Grades shall be entered within five working days from the date of collection. Major projects and assignments that deviate from this timeline shall be communicated with parents, students, and administration in advance.

The purpose of grading assignments, projects, test, etc. is to measure the academic achievement of the student. Every effort will be made to ensure assignments turned in late will not be so punitive as to cause the student to fail. Citizenship, work ethic, behavior, etc. may be measured by other means such as citizenship grades. The maximum deduction for late assignments will not exceed 50%. Acceptance of assignments and projects turned in more than fifteen (15) school days after the due date or due within five (5) school days of the end of the grading period will be at the discretion of the teacher. Major projects and assignments that deviate from this timeline shall be communicated with parents, students, and administration in advance.

The Board directs the Superintendent to establish a system of reporting student progress and shall require all staff members to comply with such a system as part of their teaching responsibility. The reporting system development shall include teachers, parents, and administration.

Policy History:
First Reading: 11/26/02
Adopted on: 1/28/03
Revised on: 08/25/14