To assure that parents will be involved in the educational process for their children in any District Title I program, the following activities will be completed:
- Letters will be sent to parents informing them that their child has been selected for the District Title reading/language arts and/or mathematics program.
- Parents will be informed about their child's educational program, and the instructional plan will be discussed with them. Parents will be invited to be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of their child’s learning through the development of a school-parent compact.
- The Title program will participate in its school's open house for the purpose of getting acquainted and sharing information.
- During parent/teacher conferences in the elementary and middle school, parents will be informed of the previous year’s evaluation data, if appropriate, needs assessment and screening processes, student participation eligibility requirements, and ways in which parents can help their children at home.
- Formal and informal communication will be employed in the parent-school partnership, as agreed upon in the school-parent compact.
- Conferences and phone calls will be made throughout the school year to explain the child’s progress. Parents may comment, and suggestions may be made if student improvement is needed. Teachers will also call parents when positive comments and praise are appropriate.
- Parents will be invited to observe their children's work and visit the Title room during the year.
- Parents will be given opportunities to assist in the reader/listener program or to help in the Title room by making materials, explaining directions, reading and/or helping a child one-on-one with some learning tasks provided by the teacher.
- When requested or as a need arises, Title related workshops will be offered for parents and classroom teachers of elementary and/or middle school Title students.
- A survey questionnaire will be sent to parents and teachers in the spring of the year, requesting evaluation input of the Title program in which their child is involved.
Procedure History:
1st Reading: 11/26/02
Adopted on: 1/28/03