Policy 2311 - Curricular Materials

Curricular Materials

The term curricular Materials is defined as the district-provided textbooks and accompanying instructional materials, software, audio/visual media, and internet resources. Curricular Materials does not include supplemental materials used by teachers. However, all supplemental materials must be in alignment and in support of district approved curricular materials and grade level and content standards. Curricular and supplemental materials are subject to review by parents/guardians who have the right to reasonable academic accommodations that do not pose a substantial impact to district staff and resources. 

The Board is legally responsible to approve and to provide the necessary curricular materials used in the District. Curricular and supplemental materials should provide quality learning experiences for students and:

•    Enrich and support the mission and vision of the district and grade level and content standards;
•    Stimulate growth in knowledge, digital literacy, literary appreciation, aesthetic value, and ethical standards;
•    Provide background information to enable students to make intelligent judgments;
•    Present opposing sides of controversial issues;
•    Be representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage;
•    Depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.

For dual credit courses offered through institutions of higher education, the selection, adoption, and removal of curricular materials is handled by the higher education institution. The District has no control over the selection, adoption and removal of curricular materials and it is the responsibility of the parent to have knowledge of and/or review such prior to student enrollment.   

Curricular materials may be made available for loan to students when the best interest of the District and student will be served by such a decision. Students will not be charged for normal wear. They will be charged replacement costs, however, as well as for excessive wear, unreasonable damage or lost materials. The professional staff will maintain records necessary for the proper accounting of all curricular materials. Any person may submit objections to any curricular materials under consideration using Policy 2314 Learning Materials Review.

Cross Reference:
2313 Selection, Adoption and Removal of Curricular Materials 
2314 Learning Materials Review

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-118A Curricular materials – Adoption procedures
I.C. § 33-512A District curricular materials adoption committees
IDAPA Curricular Materials Selection

Policy History:
First Reading:         11/26/02
Adopted on:             1/28/03
Revised on:        08/15/18; 10/20/2022