Policy 2221 - School Closure

The Superintendent may order the closure of schools in the event of extreme weather, facility failures or other emergencies. Extreme weather includes and is not limited to excessive snow causing roads to be impassible, flooding, frigid temperatures, etc. School will be closed due to frigid temperatures when the air temperature is below -20 or windchill below -30 utilizing the national weather service (weather.gov) within two hours of the beginning of the school day. This does not preclude school officials from closing school when the air temperature is above -20 or windchill above -30.  This closure shall include compliance with established procedures for notifying parents, students, and staff.  Closures under these circumstances are considered “emergency closure days”.  The maximum number of emergency closure days each school year shall be three days.  Additional days of emergency closure will be scheduled for “make-up” prior to the end of the fiscal year.

The Superintendent may order the closure of schools for reasons other than days considered “emergency closure”.  School closure, for reasons other than “emergency closure”, will be implemented only after consultation with the board members.  Closure on these days will be made in compliance with the established procedure for notifying parents, students, and staff.


Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-512 Governance of schools
Policy History:
First Reading: November 26, 2002
Adopted on: January 28, 2003
Modified:  June 5, 2008; June 21, 2017; April 19, 2023