Policy 3530 - Student Fund Raising Activities

The Board acknowledges that the solicitations of funds from students, staff and citizens must be limited since students are a captive audience and since solicitation can disrupt the program of the schools. Solicitation and collection of money by students for any purpose, shall be for the benefit of an approved school organization. School organizations that desire to participate in a fund raising activity shall submit a proposal that must be approved by the local administrator and the superintendent prior to being recommended to the Kimberly School Board of Trustees for final approval.

District sponsored clubs and organizations may make a request to the Kimberly School Board of Trustees for permission to install a “legacy” board to raise funds for the requesting club/organization. Location, size, appearance, etc. of the “legacy” board will be determined by the board of trustees on an individual basis. The club/organization will determine the amounts of sponsorship and length of time donors will appear on the “legacy” board. “Legacy” boards may be removed or relocated at the discretion of the Kimberly School Board of Trustees.


Policy History:

Adopted on: April 8, 2003

Revised on: June 21, 2017; April 19, 2022