Policy 3601- Students Information Management System

The Board of Trustees of Kimberly School District #414 directs the Superintendent to establish a Student Information Management System. This system would allow for all information concerning a student to be in a format to make local decisions concerning the educational needs of each student. Further the system would allow for easy transfer of required information to the state and easy forwarding of information when a student leaves Kimberly Schools for another district. The Superintendents at his/her discretion shall enact procedures to implement district compliance with other local policies or state policies concerning information management systems.

PURPOSE: This policy provides direction for establishment, operation and maintenance of a district-wide student education information management system. 

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board shall provide for, and oversee the establishment and ongoing operation and maintenance of a district-wide student information system. The Board may utilize this data to inform governance decisions and to create and implement effective policy leading to efficiencies in the delivery of educational services as well as increasing student achievement.

ADMINISTRATION: District administration will implement, operate and maintain a student information system district-wide as directed by the Board of Trustees. Moreover, administration will utilize data from this program to aid in the creation of greater effectiveness and efficiencies in the management of district resources with a focus on student achievement.

INSTRUCTIONAL:  instructional staff will utilize the data to aid in the management of the day-to-day operations of the district’s educational system.

NON-INSTRUCTIONAL: non-instructional staff will utilize the data to aid in the management of the day-to-day operations of the district’s educational system.

PARENT / GUARDIAN: parents or legal guardians will be provided access to a portal for communicating with the school administration and instructional staff. The portal will provide a conduit for real-time information and data on their student’s progress.

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-512 Local Authority and Duties of School Boards

Policy History:
Revised On: November 17, 2005