Kimberly School District is committed to providing a safe, rigorous, and engaging learning environment that prepares all students to be career and college ready. Accessing and using technological resources is one of the cornerstones of a 21st century education. This document describes the rules for acceptable use of District-issued mobile computing devices on and off District premises. Using these resources responsibly will promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, fostering creativity, and promoting communication in a safe, secure environment for all users.
Distributing Mobile Computing Devices:
Before they are issued a mobile computing device, each student must submit an executed Student
Agreement for Mobile Computing Device Use and a copy of the Internet Access Conduct Agreement. Each form must be signed by the student and by their parent or guardian if they are less than 18 years of age.
Parents or guardians of students may use the school-issued device, and their involvement in student learning through technology is strongly encouraged. However, use of school-issued technology outside of this purpose, such as for personal gain or activities unrelated to student learning, is prohibited. Both parent and student use of the District’s device, network, and software may be subject to a public records request depending upon the content of the document or communication, including email.
At the end of the school year, the school will collect all devices from students. At the school's discretion, students may be issued devices to support summer school programs. The Superintendent shall establish procedures for the maintenance of records regarding the devices, including tracking device inventory and which device is issued to which student.
Care and Safety:
Students are responsible for the general care of the device they have been issued by the District and are expected to observe the following precautions:
- No food or drink is allowed next to a device while it is in use;
- Insert and remove cords, cables, and removable storage devices carefully;
- Shut down the device when not in use to conserve battery life;
- Stickers, drawings, or permanent markers may not be used on the device;
- Do not vandalize the devices or any other school property;
- Devices must never be left in any unsupervised area.
- Students are responsible for keeping their device’s battery charged for school each day;
- Do not place anything near the device that could put pressure on the screen;
- Clean the screen with an anti-static cloth or any other soft, dry cloth;
- Devices should not be stored in a student’s vehicle, or anyplace else subject to extreme temperatures.
The principal will designate an individual or office at the school level where the devices must be taken if they break or fail to work properly.
Use at School:
Devices are intended for use at school each day. Students are responsible for bringing their device to all classes, unless specifically advised not to do so by their teacher. Devices must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. Power cords must stay with the device at all times. Students without a device will use a computer in the classroom or a device from the lending pool depending upon availability and at the administrator’s discretion. Repeat failures to comply with these requirements as well as requirements established by the school will result in disciplinary action
Personalizing Mobile Computing Devices:
While at no time does the device become the personal property of students; students may place individualized items on the device, which are limited to music, pictures, and other items that do not hinder the network or device functionality. Students may be permitted to select their own screen savers and backgrounds provided they are appropriate. Screensavers, backgrounds, or other pictures containing guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, gang related symbols or pictures, the student’s password or other items deemed inappropriate by the administration will result in disciplinary actions. Students may not add options or upgrades to the device, change the operating system, or add unauthorized software or safety controls. Should students or parents/guardians place personalized items on the device, such items may be accessed or viewed by District staff at any time, for any reason, including randomly selected device reviews. No content placed on District provided devices is privileged or confidential.
The software originally installed by the District must remain on the device in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times. From time to time the school may add or update software applications. Periodic reviews of devices will be made to ensure that students have up to date software programs. All devices will be equipped with anti-virus protection software which will be upgraded regularly. It is the responsibility of individual students to be aware of additional software programs and files loaded onto their device which are required for classes or school activities. Students wishing to load additional software onto a device must first obtain the permission of the school’s technology department. Any additional software must be appropriate for the school environment and comply with the Internet Access Conduct Agreement. Violent games and device images containing obscene or pornographic material are banned. Each student is responsible for ensuring that only licensed software is loaded onto his or her device.
To ensure compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, students using district owned electronic devices may access only the wireless Internet provided by the District while on school grounds. Internet access from outside sources, such as using a data plan associated with a personally-owned device, is strongly discouraged on school grounds. Kimberly School will not take responsibility for content a student may access utilizing data from outside sources. District provided electronic devices will have content filtering installed. Attempts to “bypass” content filtering will be subject to disciplinary action. Students are prohibited from attempting to bypass the District’s Internet gateway and are directed to report any inappropriate content and conduct to their classroom teacher.
Electronic mail, network usage, and all stored files shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated District staff to ensure appropriate use. The District will cooperate fully with local, State, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of law.
Remote Access of Devices:
Devices may be equipped with the ability to be accessed remotely in the case of technical problems requiring remote assistance, missing or stolen devices, or other for any other appropriate District purpose. A student does not need to be asked for permission prior to remote software maintenance.
Acceptable Use:
Access to the devices is a privilege and not a right. Each employee, student, and parent will be required to follow the Internet Access Conduct Agreement and the Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy. Violation of these policies, whether by the student or another party, while the device is in student custody may result in disciplinary action for the student, possible revocation of device privileges, and/or contacting law enforcement authorities.
Protecting and Storing Devices:
Students are expected to password protect their devices and shall keep their password confidential. When students are not using their devices, the devices should be stored in a secure location at all times. Students are encouraged to take their devices home every day after school. Students will be responsible for lost or stolen district provided devices.
Repair of Devices:
Students are to report all device problems to school staff. The school will be responsible for repair due to normal and reasonable upkeep. The student will be reasonable for excessive damage outside the scope of normal and reasonable repair.
Policy History:
Adopted on: August 15, 2018 Revised on: