The District recognizes the importance and potential educational benefits of technology. The use of portable electronic devices in the classroom can add educational value when such devices deliver content and extend, enhance, or reinforce the student learning process. Classroom teachers shall determine the appropriateness of in-class use of electronic devices, consistent with District instructional objectives, District policies, and with the approval of the building principal. The Board directs the Superintendent to work with appropriate stakeholders to ensure that Board-approved Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs are implemented in a way that is mindful of available and required infrastructure, digital equity issues, student and system safety issues, and the need for all students to be able to access a device.
The District respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to provide the student with a device for this program. Students at the middle and high school level are permitted to use personal electronic devices for educational purposes under the direction of a classroom teacher. Neither the District nor any of its schools is liable for any device stolen, lost, or damaged on District property or proceeding to or from District property, whether due to the action/inaction of the student or that of any third party. The student and his or her parent/guardian shall be solely responsible for any such loss, theft, or damage. If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office as other personal items that are stolen or damaged. It is recommended that skins, decals, and other school appropriate custom touches be used to identify physically a student’s device from others. Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged.
Rules Regarding Use of BYOD Devices:
Personal electronic devices may only be used in a responsible and legal manner, and may not be used in a manner that disrupts the educational process and/or is contrary to any District policy, procedure, or rule. Students using their own devices are subject to District acceptable use guidelines, BYOD guidelines, student conduct and discipline rules, and all other Board policies and procedures and school rules. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the revocation of the privilege of using personal electronic devices in the classroom and in disciplinary action as appropriate.
Students may only use a personally-owned device as part of the BYOD program once a Form 3615F Bring Your Own Technology Permission Form and Form 3612F Internet Access Conduct Agreement, signed by both the student and parent/guardian, are on file with the school.
The district will create and update “specs” for devices recommended for the BYOD program.
To ensure compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, students using their own electronic devices may access only the wireless Internet provided by the District. Internet access from outside sources, such as using a data plan associated with a personally-owned device, is strongly discouraged on school grounds. Kimberly School will not take responsibility for content a student may access utilizing data from outside sources. Students are prohibited from attempting to bypass the District’s Internet gateway and are directed to report any inappropriate content and conduct to their classroom teacher.
BYOD activities are implemented at the discretion of classroom teachers and building administrators. Students shall charge all BYOD devices prior to school every day. The District will not service, repair, or maintain any non-District owned technology brought to and used at school by students. When electronic devices are used to enhance learning in the classroom, students without an approved, charged personal device will be provided access to an appropriate District-owned digital device. Students may not share any BYOD device with another student unless their parent/guardian has approved this in writing and the teacher has directed it.
Violations of any Board policies, regulations, or school rules involving a student’s personal electronic device may result in the loss of use of the device in school and/or disciplinary action. The school reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal electronic device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated Board policies, regulations, school rules or has engaged in other misconduct while using their personal electronic device. Any search will be conducted in compliance with Board policies.
The controls on electronic communication devices contained in this policy do not apply to special education or Section 504 students or students with an Individualized Education Plan when any of these or other such similar plans conflict with uses outlined herein.
Policy History:
Adopted on: August 15, 2018
Revised on: